• QTNA: Can You Be More Than One Thing?-KNGDOM BIZNEZZ

    Join us for a fascinating discussion on the topic of being more than one thing. In a world where labels and boxes are often used to define us, is it possible to embrace our multifaceted identities? Can we pursue multiple hobbies, jobs, and interests without feeling like we have to choose just one?

    Through candid conversations and personal reflections, we'll explore the challenges and rewards of living a multifaceted life. We'll discuss the benefits of being a "jack of all trades," including increased creativity, adaptability, and a broader perspective. We'll also explore the potential pitfalls, such as burnout, overwhelm, and the fear of being seen as unfocused or scattered.

    Whether you're someone who already embraces your multifaceted identity or someone who is struggling to reconcile your different passions, this podcast will provide valuable insights and inspiration. Join us as we explore the beauty and complexity of being more than one thing, and learn how to embrace your unique and multifaceted self.

    Ask your question at: Askqtna@gmail.com

    #qtna #qtnapodcast #multifaceted #chaseyourdreams

    13m - Mar 21, 2023
  • QTNA-Why did you choose what you chose?-KNGDOM BiZNEZZ

    Join us for a deep dive into the topic of why we make the choices that we choose. In this episode of this podcast, we'll explore the many factors that influence our decision-making process, from our upbringing and cultural background to our personality traits and cognitive biases.

    By delving into these questions, we'll gain a deeper understanding of our decision-making process and learn practical strategies for making better choices in our personal and professional lives.

    Whether you're facing a major life decision or simply curious about the factors that influence our choices, this podcast will provide valuable insights and thought-provoking discussions. Tune in to explore the power of choice and unlock your full potential.

    Ask your question at Askqtna@gmail.com

    #qtna #qtnapodcast #choiceswemake

    11m - Mar 16, 2023
  • QTNA: Is Business Personal?-KNGDOM BIZNEZZ

    Join us as we explore the question, "Is business personal?" on this thought-provoking podcast.

    In this episode, we'll dive deep into the topic of how personal connections, relationships, and emotions can play a significant role in the business world. From the impact of networking and personal branding to the importance of trust and authenticity in business relationships, we'll explore the ways in which personal factors can shape the success or failure of a business.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur just starting out or a seasoned business professional, Understanding "The Personal Side of Business" is the perfect way to get through things that arise in your business.

    Ask your question at askqtna@gmail.com

    #qtna #qtnapodcast #businessispersonal #personalsideofbusiness

    18m - Mar 16, 2023
  • QTNA: What's Your Focus?

    In this episode of QTNA I am asking the question: What's Your Focus?


    Let's explore the topic of unhappiness and how to shift your focus towards what truly matters in order to find happiness.

    We will delve into the reasons behind unhappiness and how it can affect our daily lives. I will also discuss various ways to shift our focus from negative thoughts and emotions towards positive ones.


    So join me on this journey of self-discovery and learn how to shift your focus towards what truly matters to live a happier and more fulfilling life.


    Questions that Need Answers (QTNA) is also available on all audio platforms! Video is new for the podcast. Email me your QTNA to askqtna@gmail.com


    #mindsetpodcast #podcasting #qtnapodcast #podcastforthesoul

    5m - Feb 28, 2023
  • QTNA-Who's At Offense?

    Whew, these years just fly by. I'm so happy to be back and I have so many new questions to explore. On this episode, I wanted to explore being offended and offending. Hope it resonates with you as it did me!

    6m - Sep 1, 2022
  • QTNA_Are Expectations Realistic???
    QTNA_Are Expectations Realistic??? by NAS
    9m - Dec 8, 2019
  • QTNA - Destructive Or Constructive
    QTNA - Destructive Or Constructive by NAS
    5m - Oct 30, 2019
  • QTNA - Why Is Comparison The Thief Of Joy
    QTNA - Why Is Comparison The Thief Of Joy by NAS
    7m - Sep 6, 2019
  • QTNA - Consistency Does Not Mean Perfection!!!
    QTNA - Consistency Does Not Mean Perfection!!! by NAS
    5m - Jul 22, 2019
  • QTNA - Don't Forget To Check!!!
    QTNA - Don't Forget To Check!!! by NAS
    4m - Jul 5, 2019
  • QTNA - Who's Writing Your Narrative???
    QTNA - Who's Writing Your Narrative??? by NAS
    5m - Jun 27, 2019
  • QTNA-Can you trust???
    QTNA-Can you trust??? by NAS
    6m - Mar 29, 2019
  • QTNA - Do You Believe In Second Chances???
    QTNA - Do You Believe In Second Chances??? by NAS
    4m - Feb 15, 2019
  • QTNA What Happens Next???
    QTNA What Happens Next??? by NAS
    5m - Feb 8, 2019
  • QTNA How Do You Balance???
    QTNA How Do You Balance??? by NAS
    7m - Jan 4, 2019
  • What Are You Assuming????
    What Are You Assuming???? by NAS
    2m - Oct 19, 2018
  • QTNA What Relationship Are You In????
    QTNA What Relationship Are You In???? by NAS
    12m - Sep 14, 2018
  • QTNA Friends, How Many Of Us Have Them???
    QTNA Friends, How Many Of Us Have Them??? by NAS
    11m - Sep 11, 2018
  • QTNA Are You Ready To Date???
    QTNA Are You Ready To Date??? by NAS
    2m - Aug 24, 2018
  • QTNA Are You Flexible???
    QTNA Are You Flexible??? by NAS
    8m - Aug 10, 2018
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