41. Prose Tinted Classic: Brave New World

58m | Nov 3, 2022

This week, a semi-reverse Prose Tinted Classic, where Bailey has read the book and Katie has not! First we deliver an Extremely Good Summary, As Always, then we go on to discuss Aldous Huxley's remarkable prescience in regards to contemporary consumer culture and the ways his dystopia compares and contrasts the Orwellian 1984 dystopia. We also manage to compare Brave New World to both Pride and Prejudice and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, somehow! And it wouldn't be a Prose Tinted Glasses Episode if we didn't get wildly distracted! This week's distractions include Hocus Pocus 2, anti-intellectualism, anti-anti-intellectualism, and the dumb tier naming conventions of streaming platforms.

P.S. Sorry about Katie's audio in this one, she lost her Good Microphone (but she has since found it!)

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Prose Tinted Glasses