Ep. 10: [SOLO] Transition into Beauty Project Management: Insight on Salary and Skillset, Megan Young Gamble

36m | Nov 2, 2023

In this episode of "Product & Packaging Powerhouse," Megan Young Gamble, a global project manager in the beauty industry, shares insights on project management salaries and transitioning into the field. Megan emphasizes the importance of networking, making connections, and being open and flexible. Megan discusses salary ranges for project managers and offers a comprehensive report on salaries in different countries. Megan also highlights the transferable skills of project management and provides resources for professionals interested in the field. Overall, Megan shares her personal journey and passion for project management, while offering valuable advice for those looking to pursue a career in the beauty industry.

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Project Management: "Project management is bae, It is. We have a really good relationship."

— Megan Young Gamble [00:01:39 → 00:01:44]

"Project Management Training Programs and Recommendations": "I have some really great project management training programs such as MindSpark, women project management, Black and Brown project management, and other professionals. I will help connect you, k, because you need a project manager in your life and in your company, period. K?"

— Megan Young Gamble [00:03:21 → 00:03:38]

"Insights from Project Management's Salary Survey, the 12th edition: They surveyed countless people within different countries and positions to see where salaries netted out based on different percentiles."

— Megan Young Gamble [00:06:58 → 00:07:00]

Salaries in Different Countries: "If you have a country in mind that you wanna look at the salaries, or if you're thinking about pitching to organizations within those countries, this would give you some great insight and also help with expectations from a salary standpoint as well if you're thinking about pitching into these other companies, looking to move to these other countries, etcetera."

— Megan Young Gamble [00:07:48 → 00:08:03]

"Salary Based upon Industry: 'Within food and beverage, because I've worked on some engagements that are in the food and beverage space, for packaging. And so, for their salary range, it's between 84,000 to 134,000 per year.'"

— Megan Young Gamble [00:13:13 → 00:14:19]

Transitioning into Project Management: "If you understand the framework, it is very flexible, you're very adaptable, and you can really utilize the same framework in the same processes across all different sectors of the business. So that's what I love about project management."

— Megan Young Gamble [00:27:59 → 00:28:14]

The Importance of Intentional Networking:: "Having those intentional conversations and being intentional about it, don't think that you could sit there and pick somebody's brain for 15 minutes, and you ain't gonna do no follow-up. If you're not gonna be about it, and take forth action and let those gems help you with cultivating it and understanding how to get into this industry. Please don't waste people's time."

— Megan Young Gamble [00:31:47 → 00:31:53]

The Many Facets of Project Management: "Project management was all that I was thinking of, but I did not realize that I was doing product management, excuse me, product development management. I didn't realize I was doing packaging management, packaging artwork management because that's a whole specialty in itself. Doing some quality management, supply chain management, and project management utilizes it across all of those sectors that I just mentioned."

— Megan Young Gamble [00:33:50 → 00:34:02]

"Be open, flexible, and adaptable, and you will ultimately get to that destination at the end of the day."

— Megan Young Gamble [00:37:29 → 00:37:35]

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Product & Packaging Powerhouse