Ep. 18 - "MoCRA, Misconceptions and Regulatory Risk" - Ariana Farina, Regulatory Consultant @ Ariana Farina

1h 2m | Mar 4, 2024

In this episode of Product & Packaging Powerhouse, Megan Young Gamble interviews regulatory specialist, Ariana Farina. They discuss FDA regulations, compliance requirements, and the impact of MoCRA in the beauty and cosmetic industry. They emphasize the significance of regulatory specialists in ensuring product safety, SOPs, and compliance. They also touch on state regulations, risk assessment, and the challenges of staying on top of industry regulations. Ariana stresses the need for early preparation and engaging regulatory experts for small businesses.

[Host Megan Young Gamble Links]

[Powerhouse Guest Ariana Farina Links] 

Episode Quotes:

  • Navigating Labeling Compliance and Product Ingredient Safety: It's better to start now because there's other stuff coming up. This isn't the only stuff.
  • Safer Consumer Products: A lot of people were afraid of this regulation at first because they were thinking, oh, consumers are gonna look at this and go, Oh my gosh. We don’t understand this.
  • Navigating Regulatory Compliance: I try to tackle things that people don't know what to ask. They know they want to be compliant. They want to do the right thing, but they just don't know how.
  • Quality Management in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: So they should understand how these are written, how these are put together, or work with somebody that does.
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Product & Packaging Powerhouse