Ep. 6: Retail Merchandising, Product and Packaging Aesthetics to Show up and Stand Out-Nichole Simms, Founder of Creative Visual Solutions

49m | Oct 2, 2023

In this episode of the Product & Packaging Powerhouse podcast, Megan Young Gamble interviews Nichole Simms, an expert in retail merchandising. Nichole shares valuable insights on how to get your brand into big retailers, negotiate for favorable placement and profit margins, and create a visually appealing homepage to engage customers. She also discusses the impact of packaging on a brand's success, the importance of sustainability, and the power of omnichannel marketing. Nichole's 35 years of experience in the retail industry make her advice invaluable. So, if you want to show up and stand out in the retail world, this episode is a must-listen! 

HOST-Megan Young Gamble Links:

Powerhouse Nichole Simms Links:

  • Website
  • Instagram:  @creativessolutuons
  • LinkedIn:


  • Viral Topic: The Power of Visual Merchandising: Quote: "I really love what visual merchandising can do for a brand for the bottom line." — Nichole Simms [00:03:59 → 00:04:05]
  • The Importance of Branding: "If you're packaging, I can go with the Luxe model. If you're a Luxe candle, you happen to have a certain kind of look to you, a certain kind of color tone, a certain kind of font you have around you. If a certain habit. Even even even the, fragrances that you choose have to have a luxe feel about them. Everything about you has to show up. Luxe has to show a high end."— Nichole Simms [00:08:11 → 00:08:32]
  • "Negotiating Power with Retailers: You wanna, you know, take what you can. Negotiate as much as you can to get a nice space."— Nichole Simms [00:11:46 → 00:11:51]
  • Packaging and Branding: "And just by changing [her packaging], you know, she couldn't do a was night and day. And that's all she did...whether you're starting with your packaging...Your website has to be on point and showcase. You can spend it. You can do that yourself, or get somebody...and get that website wanna make sure you do's gonna be packaging and then going into how you can show up online." — Nichole Simms [00:17:51 → 00:17:56]
  • Sustainable Packaging Options: "So those many factors are already on it. So that won't be as hard as you think it will be because if you say, hey, I will eco friendly packaging. They already have it for you. I will eco friendly bottling recycled material. Oh, I already have that for you because they have to." — Nichole Simms [00:21:08 → 00:21:20]
  • Creating Visually Appealing Websites: "You wanna make sure that that home page is visibly appealing, meaning that it catches the eye and engages me. It has a nice mixture of as well as information. You have wonderful photos." — Nichole Simms [00:23:58 → 00:24:09]
  • The Importance of Omnichannel Marketing: "To answer your question, omnichannel is a huge deal. You have to be on the channel. You have to make sure that there's a seamless flow from online and brick-and-mortar and vice versa because, again, customers like to do well. Especially, we offer both actually is better for your brand." — Nichole Simms [00:30:23 → 00:30:30]
  • Negotiating Product Placement: "I wanna make sure, okay, then you're gonna have better lighting when you carry my price. Is actually, I don't ask you, well, this is where your best lighting is in the store. Can I have this lighting? — Nichole Simms [00:35:56 → 00:36:04]
  • Maximizing Brand Visibility: "You wanna make sure that everything lines up to make your brand stand out and actually build your story against the way." — Nichole Simms [00:39:46 → 00:39:53]
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Product & Packaging Powerhouse