• Post Pitch Meeting Update - Episode 3

    As promised, an update post-meeting with Epiha, my potential producer.

    Talk to me - q19mediacontact@gmail.com

    S1E3 - 4m - Jul 17, 2023
  • The Movie - Episode 2

    Let's talk about what this film - The Pitch - actually is, and why I think we can make it.

    Talk to me - q19mediacontact@gmail.com

    S1E2 - 10m - Jul 10, 2023
  • Intro - Episode 1

    An introduction to the show. Who am I? What are you listening to? Why should you care?

    Let me answer all those for you (except maybe the last one, you gotta decide that for yourself.

    S1E1 - 12m - Jul 4, 2023
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Pitching: From Script To Screen