Messiah, Mahdi, or Zoroaster: Who comes and When?

23m | Jan 10, 2024

Occultation: a term coined for the time that, his majesty, demon, remains in the underworld because the upper world is apparently too unsafe, and the society is too greedy so that any emergence will result in immediate death. Even though Demon is immortal, but he is a dying god, which means you can easily kill him. After He was killed, the world should wait another few centuries for the next reincarnation.

Therefore, we believe that Jesus was a Messiah, but priests and Mollas killed him, just like they killed every other messiah. Because the messiah is “his majesty, demon” coming back time and time again. It is a reincarnating phenomenon. The conditions religions are putting for the “end of the time” are things to make sure all reincarnations of demon will be killed.

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