How Female Allah Died!

27m | Jan 9, 2024

She died a few years after Muhammad died.

Her prominence Hazrat Wedjat from the city of Per-Wedjat in the lower Nile, and Her eminence Hazrat Nekhbet from the temple of Al-Ka’ab in upper Nile, from 4000 years BC. This is where she was born, this city near Nubia close to present day Sudan, the land of the Lady.

Muhammad: broke down Hubal and placed the black stone (vagina) in its place and kissed it.

RA used magic to create this world. For ancient Shamans of Egypt, a human was combined and formed with different parts and elements.

#Persian #Magi #Ancient #Egypt #Reincarnation #Mythology #Allah #Religion #Pagan #Paganism #Arabia #Ishtar #Wedjat #Nekhbet #Kaaba

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