• What Teens Wish Parents Knew

    Fostering open communication in families is crucial. As parents, our role includes creating spaces where our kids feel safe and heard. In today’s episode, Mark Gregston and Wayne Shepherd delve into what teens secretly wish their parents knew about them but often feel unable to express. Through heartfelt stories and insightful discussions, they offer parents practical advice on how to create a nurturing environment where teens feel safe to share their deepest thoughts and feelings. Remember, it's not about being perfect parents but about being present and receptive — tune in now!

    For more help understanding your teen's behavior, check out our free "Tough Guys and Drama Queens" e-course! Enroll today at bit.ly/3PtDGxl

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1019 - 11m - May 16, 2024
  • What Will You Be Remembered For?

    Legacy isn't about big achievements — it's about the emotional and spiritual support you provide to your family that resonates through generations. Investing in those relationships is one of the most important things you can do! In today's show, Mark dives deep into the essence of cultivating meaningful relationships with your teens and how these interactions form the backbone of a lasting legacy. He emphasizes the importance of listening, understanding and truly connecting with your teen. Tune in now!

    For more on cultivating meaningful relationships with your teens, check out our free "Five Ways to Stay Engaged With Your Teen" e-course! Enroll now at bit.ly/stay-engaged-course

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1018 - 18m - May 15, 2024
  • Teen Stories: The Roots of Rebellion

    For some teens, rebellion might be a way of testing limits with their parents, but oftentimes, there's something deeper going on behind the scenes. In today's episode, Mark sits down with two teens from Heartlight, including one young lady who opens up about her battles with depression, the impact of traumatic experiences and issues stemming from being adopted. She reflects on why she defied her adoptive parents' rules and how they're mending the relationship. Listen in!

    To find out more about Heartlight, visit heartlightministries.org

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1017 - 22m - May 14, 2024
  • Letting Go Gracefully: Tips on Raising Independent Teens

    Hearing your teen say, "I can do this on my own!" can be conflicting. While it might feel like rebellion or them pushing you away, it's usually a sign of budding independence. In this episode, Mark Gregston and Wayne Shepherd dive into the journey of nurturing independence in our teenagers. They explore how to recognize and encourage signs of growing autonomy and discuss the delicate balance between guiding and letting go. Listen in for some great insights!

    If you've ever lost a furry friend, you know how painful that experience can be. Mark's book, "Where's Stitch?" provides support for families as they walk through losing a pet. Order your copy at wheresstitchbook.com

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1016 - 17m - May 13, 2024
  • I Mustache Mark a Question: Online Safety, Delayed Maturity and Sensitive Teen Topics

    Parenting has always been challenging, but today's teens encounter unique emotional and developmental hurdles shaped by societal shifts and the influence of digital communication. In today’s episode, Mark Gregston addresses pressing questions from listeners, from managing relationships and navigating the pitfalls of social media use among kids to addressing the psychological needs of those battling depression and ADHD. Whether you're struggling with tech-related issues or searching for the right time to discuss sensitive topics with your teenager, this episode has something for every parent — listen now!

    Have a question for Mark? Submit it here: markgregston.com

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1015 - 20m - May 10, 2024
  • Bridging the Gap: Effective Communication Strategies with Teens

    Are you struggling to connect with your teenager in a world crowded with texts, social media and generational gaps? In today’s episode, Mark Gregston and Wayne Shepherd tackle the often overlooked but essential art of effective communication with your kid. They discuss the importance of engagement, asking the right questions, and building relationships through consistent and sincere one-on-one time. Remember, it's not about lectures but about establishing a foundation of trust, valuing their opinion and, above all, showing them you care. Don't wait for a crisis to build bridges — tune in now!

    For more help understanding your teen's behavior, check out our free "Tough Guys and Drama Queens" e-course! Enroll today at bit.ly/3PtDGxl

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1014 - 11m - May 9, 2024
  • Guiding Teens Through Their Darkest Times

    Parenting is never straightforward, especially when you're thrown curveballs you never saw coming. In today's episode, we’re diving into the struggles parents face when their children go through serious issues. Through personal anecdotes and stories from various families, Mark highlights the initial shock and eventual acceptance that parents experience upon discovering their child's poor choices. He also reflects on his own journey of misunderstanding and ultimately reconnecting with his son during a troubling time. Listen in!

    For more help navigating the ups and downs of parenting, check out our Teen Struggle Bundle at bit.ly/struggle-bundle

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1013 - 32m - May 8, 2024
  • Teen Stories: Managing Mental Health

    So many teens today are battling anxiety and depression, leaving them vulnerable to self-destructive coping mechanisms. As shown by the impactful interviews in today's show, it's important to create a strong support system at home. Mark sits down with two young ladies from Heartlight, whose discussions shed light on the reasons behind their struggles with anger, depression and substance abuse, and how they are finding new pathways to healing and happiness. Listen in now!

    To find out more about the Heartlight program, go to heartlightministries.org

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1012 - 20m - May 7, 2024
  • Finding Hope in the Chaos

    Conflict with our teens isn't just a challenge — it’s an opportunity for growth and learning. In today's show, Mark Gregston and Wayne Shepherd discuss how facing these moments head-on can lead to a deeper understanding and a stronger relationship with your teen. They offer practical advice on engaging constructively with your teen during tough periods and working through your differences. Whether you're struggling with little day-to-day battles or trying to make big changes, this episode offers guidance on creating a supportive environment where every family member can thrive. Tune in!

    For more on effective communication, check out our FREE e-course, "Bridging the Gap With Your Teen," at bit.ly/bridging-the-gap-course

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1011 - 11m - May 6, 2024
  • I Mustache Mark a Question: Intimacy, Influence and Interfaith Relationships

    In today’s episode, Mark Gregston answers questions sent in by parents navigating the turbulent waters of teen romance. Tune in as he discusses tough topics like managing your kid's dating choices when they don't align with family values, addressing crushes that cross religious lines and handling the delicate situation of a teen becoming sexually active. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong, non-judgmental relationship with teens as they journey through their formative romantic experiences. Tune in to gain guidance on how to support your child through the complexities of young love, intimacy and maintaining family connections!

    Have a question for Mark? Submit it here: markgregston.com

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1010 - 24m - May 3, 2024
  • Why Do Teens Lie?

    Our kids are navigating through a reality shaded by social media and cultural pressures, where lying seems all too common. In today’s episode, Mark Gregston and Wayne Shepherd tackle the pervasive issue of dishonesty among teenagers. They explore the various reasons teens may lie, from avoiding consequences and portraying a certain image to fear of losing relationships or facing embarrassment. They also discuss the delicate balance of addressing lies, setting up opportunities for teens to come clean and ensuring that, as parents, we don't miss the deeper issues behind a teen's dishonest behavior. Tune in now!

    Want to learn how to better connect with your child? Check out our free e-course, "Bridging the Gap With Your Teen," at bit.ly/3DWPwun

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1009 - 9m - May 2, 2024
  • Sharing Wisdom in Your Teen's World

    Wisdom isn't just about age — it's about tapping into our experiences and sharing them meaningfully. You've got stories worth telling and lessons worth sharing, but you need to make them relevant to the world your teen lives in. In this episode, Mark explores the timeless task of imparting wisdom to our teens without alienation or judgment. He shares reflections on his own teen years that debunk the notion that the past was better, urging parents to connect with teens rather than criticize. Tune in now!

    For more on this topic, check out "Raising Teens in a Contrary Culture." Order your copy today at bit.ly/contrary-culture

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1008 - 27m - May 1, 2024
  • Teen Stories: Craving Validation

    When teens struggle with perfectionism or low self-esteem, social media can seem like an easy way to get validation — but unfortunately, it often makes the problem worse. In today's show, Mark talks with two young ladies from Heartlight, including Carly, who opens up about the repercussions of bullying on her self-esteem. She reflects on rebelling against her parents and getting obsessed with her phone, seeking the opinions and approval of others on social media. Tune in to these insightful interviews!

    Is Heartlight the answer for your struggling teen? Learn more about the program at heartlightministries.org

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1007 - 19m - Apr 30, 2024
  • Protecting Purity: Approaching the Conversation With Wisdom

    Each stage of parenting presents its own challenges, and arguably, none are as daunting as the teen years, a time when kids encounter complex issues, including those related to sexuality and relationships. In this episode, Mark Gregston and Wayne Shepherd address the challenging topic of maintaining teen purity amidst a culture saturated with messages of sexual promiscuity. They encourage parents to engage with their teens about this issue openly to protect and prepare them for healthier, happier relationships. Listen in now!

    For more practical advice on helping your teens navigate these issues, check out our eBook, "Teens and Dating." Download it at bit.ly/teens-and-dating

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1006 - 8m - Apr 29, 2024
  • I Mustache Mark a Question: Pornography, Power Struggles and Parental Influence

    In today’s episode, Mark Gregston tackles tough conversations that can leave any parent feeling lost. Whether it's the struggle to converse with a defiant teen, the heartache of a mother discovering her son viewing porn or the desire to stay connected with a grown-up daughter living with her boyfriend, he offers empathy, realistic advice and encouragement. If you’re a parent who is earnestly trying to bridge gaps and build a stronger bond with your teen, listen now!

    Have a question for Mark? Submit it here: markgregston.com

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1005 - 19m - Apr 26, 2024
  • Balancing Protection and Autonomy

    Helicopter parenting, while well-intentioned, can hinder our teenagers from developing the necessary skills to succeed in the real world. In today’s episode, Mark Gregston and Wayne Shepherd explore the pitfalls of over-protecting our kids, and the challenges of letting go. They emphasize the importance of entrusting teens with choices, managing the consequences of those choices effectively and celebrating their strides towards independence. Tune in now!

    For more inspiration and encouragement, check out Mark's newest devotional, "Daily Hope For Families," at dailyhopeforfamilies.com

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1004 - 12m - Apr 25, 2024
  • Big Impacts from Small Talk

    Embracing the mundane, everyday moments with teens opens doors to deeper conversations. One of the best ways to show your child they matter is through attentiveness to the little things. Through the lens of 1 Corinthians 2:4-5, Mark shares anecdotes of his own journey in today's show, highlighting the valuable lessons he absorbed from mentors who chose to foster hope over criticism. He explains how the nurturing presence and wise words of role models helped shape his values and calling. Listen in!

    For more on connecting with your kids, check out our free "Bridging the Gap With Your Teen" e-course. Enroll now at bit.ly/bridging-the-gap-course

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1003 - 14m - Apr 24, 2024
  • Teen Stories: What's Behind Bad Choices?

    Teens make poor decisions for a lot of different reasons, but it's usually not just to be rebellious. Whether it's loneliness, a cry for love or projecting anger, there's always motivation behind the behavior. In today's show, Mark is joined by two young women from Heartlight who share the struggles they were going through before arriving at the boarding school. For Elizabeth, a tumultuous journey of broken trust and a desperate search for acceptance led to rule-breaking behaviors. Don't miss these interviews!

    To learn more about the Heartlight program, go to heartlightministries.org

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1002 - 18m - Apr 23, 2024
  • When Silence Builds Walls

    Kids today are bombarded with info in ways previous generations never were. Imagine being a teen now, with nearly unlimited access to the world's knowledge — and its misinformation — through the internet. Open discussions with your kids matter more than ever, and that's what Mark Gregston and Wayne Shepherd discuss in today's show. They emphasize the importance of encouraging open dialogue on sensitive topics and the dangers of letting silence build walls between parents and teens. Check it out!

    If you're a grandparent interested in learning to better connect with the teens in your life, check out the "Leaving a Legacy of Hope" e-course. Enroll today at bit.ly/legacy-ecourse

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E10001 - 17m - Apr 22, 2024
  • I Mustache Mark a Question: Managing and Responding to Teen Attitude

    In this episode, Mark Gregston tackles some of the toughest challenges facing parents, including managing a child's disrespect, addressing a teen's anxiety about activities and fostering open communication during family outings. Mark provides pragmatic advice for dealing with the delicate dynamics of a mother caught between a daughter and an angry father, as well as strategies for curtailing persistent disrespectful behavior without exacerbating tension. Listeners will also discover engaging questions to ask their teens on casual outings that can lead to meaningful conversations and deeper connections. With his heartfelt and experienced guidance, Mark equips parents with the tools to strengthen their relationships with their teens and navigate the rocky road of adolescence with grace and understanding. Tune in today!

    Have a question for Mark? Submit it here: markgregston.com

    Parenting Today's Teens is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    E1000 - 14m - Apr 19, 2024
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