Ep 3: How to Create a World Around Your Content

Season 2 | Episode 3
3m | Feb 29, 2024

Let's talk about how your marketing needs to be an ecosystem and not just a singular environment.

So Often, I have business owners who come to me, and they're like, “arpi, I don't understand what's going on. I can't get people to watch my videos. None of my accounts are growing." First and foremost.

Or if you don't have an issue with your accounts growing -you're really struggling to create sales through your content. And you're like, "I'm showing up consistently. I don't really understand why no one's buying from me."

Nine times out of ten, I look at everybody's content, everybody's marketing strategy, and I'm like, "Okay, yeah, you're providing really great value. Or yeah, you're agitating people to buy from you, but you're not taking them through a buyer's journey."

If someone just found you on, for example, a TikTok for you page, and they basically go to your profile, is it that they are going to be able to binge your content and be nurtured and be warmed and converted into a sale?



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Organic Marketing Secrets Podcast with Arpi Sylvester