• 7. Based on The Laws of Physics the Bumblebee Should Not Be Able to Fly

    Early aerodynamic models assumed insects, including bumblebees, flew using the same mechanisms as fixed-wing aircraft. According to these models, the bumblebee's wing size, shape, and flapping motion would not generate sufficient lift to support its body weight.

    It serves as a reminder that limitations and barriers, whether imposed by societal norms or self-doubt, should not discourage us from pursuing our aspirations or venturing into uncharted territories

    Follow the host - https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    Production - Aqute Media

    3m - May 9, 2023
  • 6. You must learn to take the route least travelled

    Learning to take the road less traveled is a valuable lesson that encourages personal growth, exploration, and embracing unique experiences. By choosing the less common path, we open ourselves up to new perspectives, challenges, and opportunities for self-discovery.

    Follow the host - https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    Production - Aqute Media

    3m - May 8, 2023
  • 5. Values are what you practice when nobody, not even yourself are paying attention

    It is important to act ethically regardless of whether or not others are present to witness it. Just as the sound of the falling tree exists regardless of the presence of a perceiver, the impact of ethical behavior exists regardless of the presence of an observer.

    Follow the host - https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    Production - Aqute Media

    3m - May 3, 2023
  • 4. Teamwork does not mean everyone thinking the same way

    Divergent thinking creates room for inclusivity, creativity and most importantly it leads to better decision making. Episode 4 talks about why in a team it is better not to have individuals thinking the same way.

    Follow the host - https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    Production - Aqute Media

    4m - May 2, 2023
  • 3. Nine women cannot get a baby in one month.

    If you add more resources to your work process, does that automatically translate to an increased output or of the overall process that it takes the process to be complete?

    Well, this is a fallacy.

    Listen to find out why.

    Follow the host - https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    Production - Aqute Media

    3m - Apr 19, 2023
  • 2. Start-Ups are a Human Experiment

    Start-ups involve the development of novel ideas, performing continuous experiments, and taking bold risks in a constantly changing and unpredictable setting. Listen to this episode to understand what makes one a success. 

    Follow the host - https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    Production - Aqute Media

    3m - Apr 18, 2023
  • 1. To Be More Successful, Study Failures

    Studying success stories can help you understand what successful people did right. On the other hand, studying failures has lessons too. Listen to this episode to find what are some of the valuable lessons you can get from failing.

    Follow the host - https://twitter.com/coachyawe

    Production - Aqute Media

    3m - Apr 17, 2023
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