Scariest Childhood TV/Movie Moments

1h 0m | Jun 14, 2021

Some might call it "kinder trauma", but deep in the recesses of all of our minds exists a library of fear, terror and often traumatic TV and movie memories. It could be a split second, but if you still remember how badly it scared you, there's a good chance you're still afraid of it!

We rank our top scariest moments from our childhood TV and movie memories. Some of our selections are typical, but some are questionable--how did that scare you?

Faces and Lighting: Matt still has a problem (or love affair) with the looks on faces and the lighting to enhance to horror.

It's As Bad As You Thought: Which is what Kyle has branded his brand of paralyzing feartainment.

Episode fueled by Tatamagouche Brewing Co and Propeller Brewing Co

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