Episode 3: “Chance”

18m | Feb 9, 2020

In a possible future, a scout ship orbits a distant planet. While the two women inside perform their duties, they reveal to one another more of their selves than ever before – and along the way, they discover what it truly means to take a chance.

This episode features Tina Daniels and Danielle Shemaiah, and was written by D.J. Sylvis

MonkeyTales cover art is by Cora May. Our theme song is “Follow the Muse,” by Deborah Linden.

You can find more information on our website, or on Twitter under Monkeyman Productions or MonkeyTales. Our Patreon backers make the show possible – join them in support of independent audio fiction at; we’ve got some great perks including early access to all our shows and behind-the-scenes glimpses at what’s coming next.

Thanks so much for listening to our latest episode! I know it pushed the boundaries a bit of what you might think of as hopepunk – but I believe these two characters truly brought hope to their story. Next month we’ll have something a bit lighter – a tribute to a very favourite author of mine called, “A Man Who Wasn’t There,” arriving in your feed on March 9th! Until then, dear listeners …

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