Why Chaga is the Ultimate Superfood with Renude Founder, Brandon Mizrahie

Season 1 | Episode 8
1h 0m | Jul 6, 2021

Brandon Mizrahie - founder of renude grew up in LA, went to UCLA where he graduated top of his class in philosophy and sociology, then went on to pursue tech yet throughout his childhood he was getting sick ALL the time. He kept dealing with low energy, brain fog, hormone imbalances, IBS, feeling bloated, and asthma. He tried all of the remedies (pharma, herbs, and every diet you can think of). You’ll hear more about what he tried in this episode. After he learned about Chaga, he started making it the old fashion way, a forty-eight hour steep and mixing it with coffee. It went from at-home market research by selling at local farmers markets to being in Alfred coffee real fast. Brandon dedicated a year to lab testing, formulating, and creating the healthiest, cleanest, and most delicious drink on the planet, Chagaccino!

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