• Why People Hate Your Success: My Real Life Experience & How I Dealt With It

    In today's podcast episode, we will be discussing a common phenomenon in life - the hate that people may have towards those who strive for success. Our host shares his personal experience where his coworkers developed a secret animosity towards him for following the instructions his boss directed him to follow.

    Our host shares how he was working hard to achieve success in his job and how he followed his boss's instructions diligently, but his coworkers were not happy with his progress. They started to develop hate towards him, talked behind his back, and made his work environment hostile.

    Our host seeks advice from the audience on what they would have done in his situation and whether he did anything wrong. He shares his thoughts on the situation and how it impacted him emotionally and mentally.

    Throughout the podcast, we delve into the various reasons why people may hate seeing others succeed, the effects of jealousy and envy, and ways to cope with it. Our host reflects on his experience and provides insights that can help others navigate similar situations.

    Join us for an insightful conversation on a topic that affects many of us in our daily lives. Tune in to this podcast episode to gain valuable insights on how to handle hate and negativity towards your success.

    As always, thank you all for being apart of the Mindsets and Assets Movement. You're not alone 💪🏼

    Visit https://mindsetsandassetsmovement.com/ to stay updated on the Mindsets and Assets Movement. We always something interesting there to checkout.
    S1E4 - 10m - May 3, 2023
  • Unlock Your Full Potential: Discover the Power of Solitude

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone who is struggling who’s suffering, embarrassed, or just simply want better themselves. Join us as we hear from our guest and learn how they overcame their challenges and gained discipline to create a better future for themselves. Please follow this link for more information on the Mindsets and Assets Movement: https://mindsetsandassetsmovement.com/

    Thanks for tuning in to the third episode of the Mindsets and Assets Podcast!

    In this episode, we hear from an individual who shares their personal journey of realizing how financially unstable their life was and the steps they took to overcome adversity.

    Our guest talks about how they came to the realization that they needed to isolate themselves from their friends to focus on their goals and achieve financial stability. They share the challenges they faced during this time and how they had to develop discipline and self-motivation to stay focused on their goals.

    Throughout the episode, our guest provides practical advice on how to overcome adversity and the importance of having a plan and staying disciplined.

    We hope to motivate and inspire you along your journey, and we appreciate your support as we continue to improve the quality of our content. Join us for this episode, and don't hesitate to reach out to us to become part of our movement.

    Visit https://mindsetsandassetsmovement.com/ to stay updated on the Mindsets and Assets Movement. We always something interesting there to checkout.
    S1E3 - 11m - Apr 26, 2023
  • The Value of Relationships: Your Inner Circle Can Be Your Asset

    Welcome to the Mindsets and Assets Podcast!

    In this episode of the Mindsets and Assets Podcast, we dive into what exactly an asset is in relation to our movement. While materialistic things like houses and jewelry can be assets, we want to emphasize that an asset can also be intangible, such as the people you surround yourself with. Our goal with this movement is to create a community where people can feel understood and supported, regardless of their possessions. We hope to motivate and inspire you along your journey, and we appreciate your support as we continue to improve the quality of our content. Join us for this episode and don't hesitate to reach out to us to become part of our movement.

    Visit https://mindsetsandassetsmovement.com/ to stay updated on the Mindsets and Assets Movement. We always something interesting there to checkout.
    S1E2 - 6m - Apr 19, 2023
  • Breaking the Silence: Introducing a Personal Growth and Development Podcast

    Welcome to the Mindsets and Assets Podcast 🙋‍♂️

    In this introduction video, we give you a sneak peek into what the podcast is all about and what you can expect from each episode. Our goal is to cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset, no matter what obstacles you may face.

    Through real-life conversations and experiences, we dive deep into the types of mindsets and traits needed to overcome adversity, achieve success in your career, and improve your overall well-being. Our guests share their stories and insights, both good and bad, to help you on your own personal journey.

    Whether you're looking to build your confidence, find your voice, resonate with like-minded individuals, or simply become the best version of yourself, the Mindsets and Assets podcast is the place to be. Follow the movement and transform your mindset with us. 

    Visit https://mindsetsandassetsmovement.com/ to stay updated on the Mindsets and Assets Movement. We always something interesting there to checkout.
    S1E1 - 2m - Apr 12, 2023
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Mindsets and Assets Podcast