120. How to Create An Unbreakable Connection in Your Relationship

1h 19m | Jun 6, 2024

“The path to an unbreakable connection is the commitment to staying in partnership, no matter what.” — Bryan Reeves

Today on Men, This Way:

  • 2:24 – The emotional investment people have in relationships
  • 3:08 – Exploring the real reasons behind conflicts in relationships
  • 4:17 – The concept of “crisis of connection” in relationships
  • 5:38 – Ending unnecessary conflict as a bridge to connection
  • 6:42 – The importance of support in men’s groups
  • 19:55 – Weekly connection rituals with family
  • 23:27 – Reflecting on personal experiences of disconnection and reconnection
  • 27:30 – The role of men’s emotional vulnerability in relationships
  • 34:23 – The impact of small daily connection rituals
  • 42:24 – What is the difference between connection and unbreakable connection
  • 45:14 – Key elements of building an unbreakable connection
  • 47:15 – The significance of praise and gratitude in relationships
  • 50:17 – The power of presence and intentionality in relationships
  • 59:15 – Addressing the challenge of one partner being more growth-oriented than the other
  • 1:03:30 – The distinction between requests and requirements in relationships
  • 1:14:25 – Leaning into relationship challenges and the role of support

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