• a yogi and her Randa

    Alauna Toby, a nomadic yoga teacher and social media influencer. Lives her life as she shares her passion as a mental health advocate through the health benefits in yoga.She holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology and YTT to help people find healing outside of traditional therapy.

    In Mind on Yoga Academy, Alauna shares the psychological research as well as the yogic philosophies to explain the mental health benefits of yoga. She also teaches yoga, breathwork, and meditation classes in the Academy directly on her Youtube Chanel.

    This Yoga instructor has gone from 500 to 24k followers on social media sharing her daily shenanigans as she travels the country in Ronda, that would be her Honda Accord. Listen as she shares her top car camping secrets. 


    Social Media Handles

    Website: www.alaunaroby.com



    38m - Feb 1, 2024
  • overcoming generational substance addiction, part 2

    In this second part, from this amazing storyteller, we continue to learn from Kenra and what her life was after losing her husband to substance abuse.


    Kenra Henry, the resilient spirit and founder of Calming Chaos, LLC. and author of "Addicted to Love." Kenra has traversed a challenging path, experiencing generational substance addiction, codependence, and the profound loss of her veteran husband. In this podcast, listeners will be invited to join Kenra on her personal journey, exploring the transformative power of vulnerability and the healing process that accompanies the embrace of our deepest emotions.

    Kenra intimately shares the struggles of living in survival mode, the bitter taste of disconnection, and the societal pressure to quickly move on. Behind a brave mask, she concealed her vulnerability, only to find herself in a cycle of guilt and burdensome silence. Raised in a culture that values strength and stoicism, Kenra learned firsthand that feeling is healing.

    Throughout her solitary journey, Kenra navigated the depths of grief, embraced vulnerability, and rediscovered the importance of connecting with herself and her children. Now, as a beacon of hope, she extends a lifeline to widows and those lost in pain, providing a safe space for expression and acknowledging the validity of feeling weak and human.


    Social Media Handles:

    Addicted to Love- The Book

    Calming Chaos- Grief, Addiction & ADHD Coaching


    41m - Jan 25, 2024
  • addicted to love: overcoming generational substance addictions

    Kenra Henry, the resilient spirit and founder of Calming Chaos, LLC. and author of "Addicted to Love." Kenra has traversed a challenging path, experiencing generational substance addiction, codependence, and the profound loss of her veteran husband. In this podcast, listeners will be invited to join Kenra on her personal journey, exploring the transformative power of vulnerability and the healing process that accompanies the embrace of our deepest emotions.

    Kenra intimately shares the struggles of living in survival mode, the bitter taste of disconnection, and the societal pressure to quickly move on. Behind a brave mask, she concealed her vulnerability, only to find herself in a cycle of guilt and burdensome silence. Raised in a culture that values strength and stoicism, Kenra learned firsthand that feeling is healing.

    Throughout her solitary journey, Kenra navigated the depths of grief, embraced vulnerability, and rediscovered the importance of connecting with herself and her children. Now, as a beacon of hope, she extends a lifeline to widows and those lost in pain, providing a safe space for expression and acknowledging the validity of feeling weak and human.


    Social Media Handles:

    Addicted to Love- The Book

    Calming Chaos- Grief, Addiction & ADHD Coaching


    30m - Jan 25, 2024
  • From burnout to finding purpose

    Clint Callahan of Colorado is a Licensed Therapist Social Worker and a seasoned coach who has made a significant mark in the realm of personal development.

    With an extensive coaching career, has become a beacon of change for those seeking meaningful transformations. Hailing from a background rooted in the belief that small changes can yield big impacts, Clint has dedicated his professional life to helping individuals discover their true potential.

    In Clint's world, goals are not just milestones; they are the compass that directs us towards a purposeful life. He believes that by setting clear, achievable goals, individuals can break down larger aspirations into manageable tasks, making the journey less daunting and more attainable.

    Join us in this episode as we unravel Clint Callahan's insights into the transformative potential of small changes, the significance of goal setting, and the profound impact of aligning one's life with a greater purpose. Get ready to be inspired and motivated to take those small steps that can lead to big, positive changes in your own life.

    Social Media:





    15m - Jan 18, 2024
  • Hypnosis to Psychedelics: Two roads leading into the same destination

    In this week's episode, we have the opportunity to share with a genius and who is incredibly funny and rebellious as he calls himself.

    Lincoln has pushed through all his curiosities and lacking the the point of exhaustion. He helps others find the meaning of life as they reach out for help. Did you know that hypnosis to psychedelics can lead you to the same results? 

    Join us with a glass of wine as we uncover the meaning of life. Lincoln will teach you how to look at life in a brand new way, a very creative and smart way.


    Dr. Lincoln Stoller work may be found at: https://www.mindstrengthbalance.com

    Social Media: @lincolnstoller

    25m - Nov 16, 2023
  • Escaping the Matrix

    Carl was born into war. When he was just a toddler, he often woke up to his mom’s panicking voice asking him, his siblings and his father to run to the bunker and hide. 

    At the age of 12, he fled his home country heartbroken. 

    These events always created questions in his mind & heart. Why is this happening to him? Why do people kill each other? Why do innocent families have to suffer the consequences?

    To find answers to his pain, Carl went on a journey. He tried to find salvation in sports, romantic relationships, new personas, ambitious careers, & business start-ups. He also explored religion, psychotherapy, yoga, meditation, books, seminars, and spiritual gurus. He questioned everything, including these methods.

    Despite his efforts, he couldn’t find a truly freeing approach. Each one had its benefits but was also complicated & binding. After years of assimilating their essence, he realized that the foundation of transformation was incredibly simple. 

    Today, he shares it with other spiritual seekers. He shares how he applied it to go from confusion to clarity, from being medicated to free of medication, and from depression to lasting enthusiasm.

    24m - Nov 9, 2023
  • Helping Children of War with EFT

    Children, victims of war, get a second chance as they start a new life in a new land.

    47m - Nov 2, 2023
  • Living with PTSD: Hurricane Dorian almost killed me.

    She tied herself with an extension cord to hold on to her life. 

    Tara, a kind soul, shares the tragic story of survival, discrimination, and loss. After living on an island with her family - in the land of her ancestors, a hurricane came to take it all away.

    Tara Pyform was born and raised as an island girl in the beautiful Bahamas. This amazing narrator, poetry, and short stories writer now resides in Canada after the Hurricane. Every time she shares her story of survival she overcomes PTSD. All, one day at a time. 

    Website: https://tarapyfrom.com/

    Social Media: tarapyfrom

    32m - Nov 2, 2023
  • Bottled-up Emotions

    What keeps coming up in your life? What emotions do you have bottled up?

    Why do you keep repeating the same mistakes? What emotions, trauma, or issues just don't go away in your life? Why are you still in survival mode?

    Bottle emotions lead to medical complications

    Hypnosis helps us reprogram our minds, brains, and emotions. 


    Carla Rodriguez is a renamed Transformational Life and Spiritual Coach in the , CA community. She is a Certified Trainer & Master Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Life and Success Coaching, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), T.I.M.E Techniques, Hypnosis, Reiki, and crystal Healing. Carla is a certified Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) and TRE Provider (Tension & Trauma Release Exercise), and co-authored an Amazon Best Seller book “You Have So Much Potential” & “Resilience Despite Rigor”. 

    Podcast: Awaken with Carla

    Youtube: www.youtube.com/@awakenwithcarlapodcast

    Social Media @awakenharmony8

    36m - Oct 26, 2023
  • Men are not from Mars: Building healthy boys and holistic men

    How do we build healthier boys into holistic men? How do we heal or overcome things we do not remember? 

    Vested in humanity. Advocate of mental health for men. Paul's goal is to build a safe + balanced space to mentor for boys and men. 

    Paul is the founder of huMENity, a peer-driven support community that encourages men to connect more deeply with their emotional and physical selves.

    Paul Simard: Ted Talk: The Mythical Men


    huMENity https://www.humenity.co/

    Social Media: @humenity.co

    48m - Oct 26, 2023
  • From depression to self-actualization

    Aren’t we all dreamers? 

    Aren’t we all neuroscientists? 

    Periodically, we need to listen to our intuition and admit that our environment is making us sick. Change will always allow us to thrive. 

    Anna talks about her lack of fulfillment in life and how COVID pushed her to change her environment to address her depression. During our interview, she taught us how finding our four pillars of support will allow us to access our environment and allow us to feel balanced. 

    Website: https://www.thehealingjourneyretreats.com/

    Social Media: @healingjourneyretreats

    S1E6 - 23m - Oct 19, 2023
  • Workplace Trauma: Your former a$$-hole boss counts as trauma

    You are not the problem. Your former ass-hole boss is. 

    Young, and sweet Trang worked for the most “amazing” organizations; but just like she was a victim of workplace abuse, trauma, and bullying. How do you cope with all that? 

    Being the daughter of an immigrant can curve the experience in the workplace and society. How do we elevate those experiences to become high-valued humans?

    Just because life gets busy, that does not mean we can not build a support system and find our own community. COVID-19 solidifies our relationship with virtual communities. Virtual Communities work for everyone. 


    Social Media Handles

    website: www.thehappyhealingshop.com/

    Podcast: the happily healing podcast

    Social Media: @happyhealingshop 

    40m - Oct 19, 2023
  • Clutter!

    You're caught in a trap and can't walk away?

    Mental and physical clutter correlate. Sometimes, we need help

    Cecilia, a space and energy organizer, likes to play with the emotions behind clutter as she clears space and energy (including paranormal) with what you have. 


    Cecilia Sieloff, Personal Space Organizer

    email: mindfulorgservices@gmail.com

    36m - Oct 19, 2023
  • Sex Addiction!

    Kenny the pervert lives next door. Are your children safe? Are your children at risk? Is there really a correlation between sexual addictions and pedophilia? Does it all start with porn?  While we all have our own set of values beliefs and convictions, not all addicts or addictions are the same.

    Patrick Eilers, M.A., LLPC, earned his master’s degree in Clinical Counseling Psychology from Moody Theological Seminary - Michigan. Patrick talks to us about Sexual Addiction recovery and all the parameters found within this medical diagnosis. 

    Find out more about Patrick!

    39m - Oct 19, 2023
  • Bonus Spanish Episode: Eres Malagradecidx?

    ¿Eres desagradecido?

    Sí, por eso tienes mala suerte.

    Si aprendes a dar gracias, la vida puede cambiarte.

    Esmeralda, fotógrafa, cuenta cómo el solo hecho de poder encontrar grandeza y gratitud en las cosas le ha permitido encontrar plenitud y prosperidad en la vida.

    32m - Oct 19, 2023
  • Start Here

    Maybe This Is How It Starts for You and I- 

    Hey, this is Vee and (in fact) this is where it all starts. After suffering from depression since the age of 12, COVID escalated the need to find help at a whole new level. In the process, I made an incredible collective of connections and friends. 

    Through the Podcast, I will push the envelope from conventional talk therapy all the way to unconventional methods of mental health. And guess who is joining us- NYC's Infamous Life and Trauma Coach Karol Shepelskaya (bkteacher11235@gmail.com). 

    This is just getting started!

    S1E1 - 26m - Oct 14, 2023
  • Trailer

    One day, Talk-Therapy reaches a dead-end, and in the journey to self-help, all sorts of healing methodologies spring up: conventional and unconventional. 

    Maybe This Is How IT Starts is a Podcast where no journey is the same and that we must celebrate. 

    S1E1 - 1m - May 30, 2023
Audio Player Image
Maybe This Is How It Starts