7. Are you trying to rescue your kids from their feelings?

31m | Mar 27, 2024

In this episode we navigate ways in which we may be rescuing or distracting them from their feelings. This can come up when we struggle to show up for our own feelings, when we become overwhelmed by our kids meltdowns, crying, complaining or fighting or when we simply lack the emotional bandwidth to create space for their emotional storming. We'll discuss why this could be happening and what we can do to build emotional resilience both within ourselves and our kids.

Part of building emotional resilience in our kids includes helping our children navigate through their emotions and learning to grow from uncomfortable feelings. Our role isn't to fix our kids problems, our role is to be a companion, a mentor, and a guide as they navigate through challenging situations.

Corazón Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. We discuss all things parenting and child development related. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for both the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging situations. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.

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