8. Mom Guilt: Am I doing enough?

33m | Apr 4, 2024

This episode is all about the mom guilt that we carry when we show up in less than perfect moments. It is dedicated to the mom who wonders if she is doing enough, if she is a good mom, if she is ruining her kids. We talk about how to get out of the self-shame and criticism cycle and what we can do instead. We discuss how we can recover from these moments in a way that helps us build strong and healthy relationships with our kids.

Corazón Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. We discuss all things parenting and child development related. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for both the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging situations. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.

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Corazon Parenting