9. Carrying the Weight of Opportunity

23m | May 29, 2024

In this episode we are talking about the weight we carry as adult children of immigrant parents and how that shows up in our parenting. We reflect on how this may be driving the decisions and the relationships we establish with our children and pose some questions about how they serve our children. Are our parenting practices and relationships with our kids based on what is best for them or are we still carrying the weight of opportunity (feeling like we still have to prove ourselves, needing external validation, seeing our success in the success of our kids)? Are we nurturing our children or are we still trying to nurture an prove ourselves? Are these decisions for our kids or for that child version of ourselves?

Corazón Parenting is a podcast for first-gen parents raising their next-gen kids. We discuss all things parenting and child development related. Our goal is to apply parenting tools and strategies that feel good for both the parent and the child and that effectively address conflict and challenging situations. This is built on the foundation of nurturing the ever growing life-long relationships we are building with our kids.

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Corazon Parenting