• #28 درس هایی از خودشناسی در کنکون - حمید در کنکون

    در ادامه ی سفر پارسال بنده به ممالک مکزیک، امسال حمید تصمیم گرفت منو همراهی کنه. این بار سفر رو از ساحل شرقی (کنکون) شروع کردیم و در ساحل غربی (کابو) به پایان رسوندیم.

    این اپیزود بیخ سواحل کاراییب گرفتیم

    صحبت کردن با حمید اصلا درس زندگیه :)) گوش بدید درس بگیرید تشویق شید سفر کنید

    S1E28 - 42m - Apr 22, 2024
  • #29 دکترفیل، تونی رابنیز، مکزیکو سیتی - حمید در کابو

    در این اپیزود در ادامه سفرهای استانی در ممالک مکزیک، حمید از شگفتی های میکزیک و شباهت باور نکردنی مکزیکوسیتی به تهران میگه. من هم خیلی چرت و پرت میگم. این اپیزود تو کابو سن لوکاس مکزیک آخرای سفرمون ضبط کردیم

    لذت ببرید.

    S1E29 - 1h 23m - Apr 22, 2024
  • #27 اپلای رشته سینما - پیمان

    پیمان قصه ی اپلای رشته سینما رو برای بنده تعریف کرد. ذهن من و خیلی از دوستام شاید دوران دبیرستان و دانشگاه خیلی بسته بود تا تاجایی که به جز مهندسی و دکتری هیچ آینده ی دیگه ای متصور نبودیم. به این اپیزود که گوش بدین میفهمین عملا با هر رشته ای میشه اپلای کرد.

    تئاتر و سینما و کارگردانی و بازیگری کلا خیلی لایف استایل جالبی داره

    جای امیدش اینجاست که هیچ وقت برای دنبال علاقه رفتن دیر نیست و پیمان توضیح میده که چجوری با بکگراند مهندسی و مدیریت رفت ارشد سینما خوند. پیش نیاز نمیخواد.

    این شما این آینده سینمای ایران پیمان :))))

    S1E27 - 1h 14m - Mar 22, 2024
  • #26 تکواندو، شریف، استارتاپ، رفاقت - امین

    امین از پسرای دختر کش علامه حلیو شریف و تورونتوعه که تجربه یبار بیزنس زدن تو دوران دانشجویی و شکست خوردن رو داشته. ایشون همیشه از اون ادمای چند بعدی بوده که تو درس و ورزش و رفیق بازی موفق هستن و به قول خودش رمز این موفقیت نوشتن فکراش رو کاغذ بوده و هست که از پدر مادر یاد گرفته.

    به حرفاش گوش کنید :)

    S1E26 - 1h 32m - Mar 8, 2024
  • #25 از بهشر به امیرکبیر به شریف به تورنتو - بهروز

    بهروز یکی از بچه های خاکی و خودمونی که از زمین خاکی های بهشهر به تورنتو رسیده. ایشون در عین اینکه یه دانشجوی دکترای موفقه خیلی با نمک و لطیفه گو تشریف داره. من که کلی خندیدم تو این اپیزود امیدوارم شما هم بخندین.

    از وضعیت داغون خوابگاه های امیرکبیر تا دوتا بازی کردنش وسط بهبه ی اپلای حرف زدیم.

    S1 - 1h 34m - Dec 30, 2023
  • #24 رنک یک کامپیوتر شریف - نوید

    نوید رنک یک کامپیوتر شریف بوده. از قصه المپیادش تا نحوه اپلای کردنش پرسیدم و تحسین برانگیز بود که تو هر مقطع چطور فقط به علاقه اش اهمیت داده و اجازه نداده خیلی حواشی دیگه مسیرش رو تعیین کنه و شاید همین باعث شده این بشر یه ماشین حل مساله با طمأنینه بشه


    S1 - 1h 19m - Dec 30, 2023
  • #23 Behdad - Starting your own company

    Behdad received his bachelor's and master's from Sharif University and University of Alberta respectively. Currently, he is designing chips for a successful startup in Toronto.

    In this episode, he shares his interest in starting his own company, and the advantages of doing so specifically in Canada

    S1E23 - 1h 28m - Nov 12, 2023
  • #22-Alireza

    Alireza ranked 1st in the Konkoor of 97.

    He graduated with a bachelor's in computer engineering from Sharif University and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Toronto.

    Check out this podcast to catch a glimpse into the story of this over-performer

    S1E22 - 1h 13m - Oct 28, 2023
  • #21-Amir

    Amir is a chemical engineer who graduated from the University of Toronto and the University of Tehran with master's and bachelor's degrees respectively.

    In this episode, we talk about finding a job post-graduation, working a general job as a student, and military service for guys.

    S1E21 - 1h 15m - Oct 22, 2023
  • #20-Shokoofa

    Shokoofa is a junior undergraduate student of engineering at the University of Toronto. She is a talented student with multiple Olympiad achievements in astronomy who moved to Canada with her parents.

    In this episode, she shares some valuable information on how to receive fully funded undergraduate (yes undergraduate) admissions to top-notch American universities. What's more, she tells her story of immigration, attending high school in Canada, and getting admission to U of T.


    S1E20 - 1h 30m - Oct 15, 2023
  • #19-Mehdi

    Mehdi is a Ph.D. student of mechanical engineering at the University of Toronto. Previously, he received both his master's and bachelor's in mechanical engineering from Sharif University of Technology.

    Here he shares how made up for a sub-optimal resume through hard work at grad school at Sharif. He also lets us in on how he approached professors and optimized his SOP to receive stellar admissions.

    S1E19 - 1h 18m - Oct 10, 2023
  • #18-Milad

    Milad is a Ph.D. student at the Schulich School of Business (at York University). Previously he graduated with a bachelor's in mechanical engineering and a minor in economics from Sharif University of Technology after which he pursued his degree in MBA at Sharif.

    I have had the privilege of knowing him for quite some time. Professionally, he is excellent at whatever task or project he takes up, and personally, he is one of the most genuine people I have come to know.

    In this episode, he shares how he was able to pivot away from a field he did not find very appealing towards something he truly enjoys as a career. Give this one a listen to find out some helpful information about an MBA degree and business schools.

    S1E18 - 59m - Oct 1, 2023
  • #17-Vahid

    Vahid ranked 3rd in Konkoor. He is now a Ph.D. student of computer science at the University of Toronto.

    He graduated with high honors, earning a double major in computer engineering and mathematics from Sharif University of Technology.

    This top-of-the-chain performer shares his story of how he navigated graduate school applications and gives us a few tips on finding the right supervisor and writing a compelling SOP.

    S1E17 - 1h 25m - Sep 23, 2023
  • #16-Alireza

    Alireza graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering at Sharif University and continued his studies at the University of British Columbia (UBC).

    I recently became really good friends with this guy who has a unique perspective on things and a cut-the-bu**hit-type attitude that I admire.

    In this episode, he tells us about how he did things to get stellar admissions and his experience living and working as a student in Canada.

    S1E16 - 1h 1m - Sep 16, 2023
  • #15-Pouya

    Pouya graduated from the Department of Computer Engineering at Sharif University and went on to pursue his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto. He is a brilliant fella with a humble attitude and a wicked sense of humor.

    In this episode, he shares his story of applying to grad schools and gives us a few tips and tricks on how to do certain things such as approaching prospective supervisors.

    Hope you enjoy

    S1E15 - 1h 28m - Sep 16, 2023
  • #14-Trip to Mexico

    (Farsi episode)

    Last winter I spent 4 months traveling across Mexico.

    If you are curious how I did it and want some tips on how to find accommodation, exchange your money, etc. give this one a listen

    S1E14 - 1h 20m - Sep 5, 2023
  • #13-Mehrdad

    Mehrdad, a very accomplished Sharif alumnus drops some gems on the graduate school application process and how he navigated those tumultuous waters.

    He is currently a Ph.D. student in financial mathematics at York University in Toronto. We discuss everything from the early English exams to his experience here with the Ph.D. working and internships in Canada and his feelings about immigration.

    Hope you enjoy and benefit from his advice!

    S1E13 - 1h 46m - Aug 17, 2023
  • #12-Griv

    Ali AKA Griv is a dear friend of my from back in the day at Sharif. He was one of the top ranked students at school without much effort.

    Today we caught up after a while to talk about my last trip, life after school, etc.

    S1E12 - 1h 3m - Jul 26, 2023
  • #11-Shagha's Mom

    I listen to Shagha's mother telling her hasty immigration story as a teacher. She speaks about the sacrifices she had to make for the future of her children, how she was able to integrate into the multicultural community of Toronto and introduce Persian hospitality and cuisine to Canadians all while finishing her degree in education and getting admission to the University of Toronto.

    S1E11 - 1h 51m - Jul 16, 2023
  • #10-Sarah in Guadalajara

    I met Sarah during my stay in Guadalajara. She is one of the kindest sweetest people I have ever met.

    She is originally from Germany but is also a self-proclaimed Mexican ;) She speaks multiple languages fluently and has been traveling for a while. She is particularly gifted at making genuine connections with people and in this episode, I try to learn her secret even though we didn't start recording until around 9 pm after a long day.

    S1E10 - 1h 8m - Jul 3, 2023
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