• Ep. 37 Beyond Fear: Pushing Past Impossible with Ryan Stramrood

    In this engaging episode of the Love Not Fear podcast, host Eduard Brink is excited to welcome Ryan Stramrood, an extreme swimmer, performance coach, and high level inspirational speaker. Discover Ryan's unexpected journey from running a successful advertising business to becoming a renowned cold water swimmer and a consequential keynote that altered the course of his life.

    Together, they delve into Ryan's transformative experiences, from his first grueling swim sessions to his record-setting crossings from Robben Island and beyond. Ryan shares insights into the mental and physical challenges he faced and overcame, revealing how stepping out of his comfort zone led to extraordinary personal growth and a redefined perspective on life's potential.

    Learn about Ryan's philosophy of embracing discomfort to forge resilience, and how his journey challenges us to reconsider our own boundaries and comfort zones. Tune in to this episode of Love Not Fear for a profound discussion on pushing beyond perceived limits and discovering what you're truly capable of achieving.

    "When you stop growing, you are definitely going to get overtaken by those who are." - Ryan Stramrood

    In Today’s Episode:

    ❤️ Pushing beyond comfort zones to achieve personal growth and transformation.

    ❤️ Overcoming the mind's natural defense mechanisms to embrace challenges and uncertainty.

    ❤️ The significance of setting audacious goals and learning from failure to propel oneself forward.

    ❤️ The power of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals to support and inspire personal development.

    ❤️ Converting fear into love by embracing new experiences and facing challenges head-on.

    "Failure without the lessons and acknowledgment is just failure. It's the bad kind of failure." - Ryan Stramrood

    🤍 Dive into the transformative journey of resilience and adaptability with us, inspired by Ryan Stramrood's incredible story of perseverance! Each challenge he faced, especially the daunting swims through inclement weather, proved that facing adversity head-on strengthens our resolve and flexibility.

    Are you ready to embrace uncertainty just like Ryan did? Let his experiences motivate you to develop a mindset that welcomes challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

    🤍 Start your own journey of self-improvement today by cultivating resilience and adaptability. Whether it's personal setbacks or professional hurdles, remember that each challenge is a gateway to greater success and fulfillment. Let’s navigate through life’s turbulent times together and emerge stronger and more determined. Share your resilience story and inspire others!

    🔊 If you found value in today’s episode, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and share this podcast with friends. Your support helps us spread the message of love over fear and reach more listeners. Remember, growth begins at the end of your comfort zone.


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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    37m - Jul 12, 2024
  • Ep. 36 Unicorns Over Rainbows: Creating a Culture of Small Changes for Business Success with Nathan Donaldson

    In the new episode of the Love Not Fear podcast, host Eduard Brink is thrilled to welcome Nathan Donaldson, a visionary business leader from New Zealand. They explore Nathan's incredible journey with Boost, a highly regarded software company known for its progressive non-hierarchical structure and innovative problem-solving approaches for government clients. Nathan reveals the essence of Boost's success isn't in its final products but in its cultural journey, which has led it to become one of New Zealand’s top workplaces.

    “Devolve responsibilities and create space for others to fill the gaps, empowering team members to contribute meaningfully.” - Nathan Donaldson

    In Today’s Episode:

    ❤️ Implementing small changes can lead to significant cultural transformation within organizations.

    ❤️ Building a culture of curiosity, accessibility, safety, and empathy can enhance team collaboration and productivity.

    ❤️ Creating a safe work environment fosters open communication and empowers employees to contribute effectively.

    ❤️ Prioritizing empathy in leadership enables a deeper understanding of team dynamics and facilitates successful change management.

    ❤️ Success in organizational design often involves slowing down, listening to team feedback, and empowering others to drive positive change.

    “Building a culture of curiosity, accessibility, safety, and empathy can enhance team collaboration and productivity.” - Nathan Donaldson

    The Three Pillars of Successful Organizational Change:

    🤍 Curiosity: Incorporating curiosity into the fabric of the organization ignites a sense of exploration and innovation. By encouraging team members to question the status quo and envision new possibilities, businesses can tap into the collective creativity and expertise of their workforce. Donaldson's emphasis on curiosity as a driving force for change underscores the importance of continuously seeking improvement and adapting to external challenges and opportunities.

    🤍 Accessibility: Making change accessible to all levels of the organization is essential for seamless implementation. Complex ideas and frameworks must be distilled into digestible concepts that can be easily understood and implemented by team members. By ensuring that changes are clear, concise, and relatable, businesses can create a culture of inclusion and collaboration that fosters sustainable growth and development.

    🤍 Safety: Creating a safe space for open communication and idea sharing is fundamental to successful change management. Team members must feel empowered to voice their opinions, challenge existing norms, and engage in constructive debates without fear of judgment or reprisal. By cultivating a culture of psychological safety, organizations can harness the full potential of their workforce and drive transformational change with confidence and resilience.

    🔊 To explore more insightful discussions and learn about Nathan Donaldson's innovative approach to organizational design, listen to the full podcast episode. Stay tuned for inspiring content and valuable insights from the Love Not Fear podcast.


    - Nathan Donaldson's Website

    - Nathan Donaldson's LinkedIn

    - "Unicorns Over Rainbows" by Nathan Donaldson

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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    38m - Jul 2, 2024
  • Ep. 35 The Anatomy of Fear: How Understanding It Can Set You Free

    Explore how fear can either control you or motivate you in the latest Love Not Fear podcast episode with David Henzel and Eduard Brink! They discuss the concept of internal family systems therapy, where different personas in the mind play various roles influenced by past traumas. By focusing on solutions rather than problems, they explore the power of listening to the body and mind, understanding fear as both an obstacle and a motivator.

    Key themes include the importance of shifting from fear to excitement, leveraging fear as a catalyst for action, and maintaining a positive mindset to overcome obstacles. The episode highlights the significance of internal conflict resolution, visualization, and reframing fear to align with personal and professional missions.

    Discover how to navigate fear, anxiety, and obstacles to live a more fulfilling life. Join the conversation on how to harness fear and turn it into a catalyst for growth. Tune in for insightful discussions and actionable tips to conquer fear and live a more purposeful life.

    In Today’s Episode:

    🔻 Internal family systems therapy involves identifying and communicating with different personas in the mind shaped by past traumas.

    🔻 Shifting from fear to excitement can help in embracing challenges and opportunities with a positive mindset.

    🔻 Fear can serve as a motivator to take action, leading to personal growth and transformation.

    🔻 Practicing mindful reflection and visualization can help in overcoming obstacles and staying focused on long-term goals.

    🔻 Cultivating a mindset of curiosity and exploration allows individuals to turn fear into a stepping stone towards success.

    "If you focus on the problem more than the solution, you're investing in the problem." - Eduard Brink

    Episode Timestamps:

    00:00 - Intro

    01:09 - Exploring fear and its impact on decision-making

    03:34 - The impact of complaining and focusing on solutions

    09:25 - Naming and communicating with internal voices for emotional well-being

    11:37 - Overcoming fear by focusing on the bigger picture

    16:57 - Finding motivation through love and mission

    19:58 - Outro

    "Fear can be a catalyst that pushes you to do something, turning it into a driver for action." - David Henzel

    As we navigate the complexities of fear and personal growth, it is essential to remember that fear is not inherently negative. By confronting our fears, embracing new perspectives, and aligning our actions with a greater mission, we can transform fear into a catalyst for positive change and transformation. 

    🤍 Fear, when harnessed effectively, can propel us towards our aspirations, ignite our passion, and ultimately lead us towards a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. So, the next time fear creeps in, remember to embrace it as an opportunity for growth, empowerment, and transformation.

    🤍 Incorporating mindfulness, gratitude, and a sense of purpose can turn fear from a hindrance into a powerful force for personal and professional growth. This holistic approach to fear management provides a framework for navigating challenges, fostering resilience, and embracing opportunities for positive change.

    🔊 If you found value in today’s episode, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and share this podcast with friends. Your support helps us spread the message of love over fear and reach more listeners. Remember, growth begins at the end of your comfort zone. 

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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    19m - Jun 3, 2024
  • Ep. 34 Invest in Tomorrow: Ditch the Dead Weight of Yesterday

    Join hosts David and Eduard on a compelling journey into the tangled web of the sunk cost fallacy in this week’s Love Not Fear podcast episode. The sunk cost fallacy refers to the tendency to hold onto something, whether it be a project, a relationship, or personal belongings, simply because we have already invested time, money, or effort into it. 

    Together, they explore how this psychological trap can lead us to hold onto things, projects, and even relationships long past their beneficial date, all because we're too invested to let go. They also discuss the value of outside validation and the importance of making conscious decisions based on personal growth and fulfillment.

    The hosts invite you, the listeners, to share your own stories of overcoming or struggling with sunk costs, making this episode a community conversation. Tune in to learn how to cut ties with the unnecessary and make room for growth. Are you ready to challenge what you value and why? Let’s dive deep and declutter not just our spaces, but our lives and minds too!

    "You don't let it go because you fear waste. You fear a loss. You fear admitting a mistake." - Eduard Brink

    In Today’s Episode:

    • The sunk cost fallacy is the tendency to hold onto something simply because we have already invested time, money, or effort into it, even if it is no longer serving us.
    • Outside validation, such as paying for a service or receiving advice from a paid professional, can often lead to greater commitment and implementation of the advice or service.
    • It is important to evaluate and let go of things that are no longer serving us, whether it be physical belongings, relationships, or projects.
    • Perseverance is important in business, but it is also crucial to recognize when something is not meant for us and to make the decision to move on.
    • Making conscious decisions based on personal growth and fulfillment, rather than external factors or fear, is key to overcoming the sunk cost fallacy.

    "You can do anything, but you can't do everything." - David Henzel

    As we wrap up this insightful episode, we challenge you, our listeners, to take a bold step towards personal liberation from the sunk cost fallacy.

    Here’s your mission, should you choose to accept it:

    🤍 Identify and release. Start by identifying five items, projects, or habits that no longer serve you. It could be that old guitar collecting dust, a project that’s going nowhere, or a daily routine that drains more than it energizes.

    🤍 Share your journey. As you go through this process, we’d love to hear about your experiences. Share your stories with us on our social media platforms. What was hard to let go of? What changes did you notice in your life after you did?

    🤍 Engage with the community. Join the conversation in our online community forum. Offer support, get advice, and connect with others who are also working to make more mindful decisions.

    🔊 If you found value in today’s episode, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and share this podcast with friends. Your support helps us spread the message of love over fear and reach more listeners. Remember, growth begins at the end of your comfort zone.

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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    16m - May 3, 2024
  • Ep. 33 The Price of Attachment: Why Holding On Costs More Than You Think

    Dive into an enlightening and deeply personal exploration of the sunk cost fallacy in the new episode of the "Love Not Fear" podcast. Join hosts David Henzel and Eduard Brink as they unravel the intricacies of why we cling to past investments — be it time, money, or emotions — and how such attachments often lead us away from making decisions rooted in love rather than fear.

    As they delve into the concept of decluttering — not just physical spaces but also our lives and minds — you'll find yourself questioning: Am I holding onto something because of love, or is it fear? The conversation takes a turn towards the transformative power of letting go, whether it's unnecessary apps, projects, or even people who no longer contribute positively to our lives.

    It's a conversation that's as much about introspection as it is about action, offering practical tips and heartfelt advice on navigating the complex decisions of what to keep and what to let go. Tune in for a dose of motivation to clean your slate and make room for what truly matters, driven by love, not fear. It's time to declutter your life, reassess your investments, and boldly step into a future unburdened by the past.

    "Sometimes, the outside world doesn't care about our sunk costs. It's important to prioritize our own well-being and happiness." - David Henzel

    In Today’s Episode:

    • The sunk cost fallacy is a human condition where individuals hold onto things that are no longer serving them due to previous investments.
    • It is important to be aware of the things in our lives that no longer bring us joy or serve a purpose.
    • Letting go of sunk costs can lead to personal growth and a more fulfilling life.
    • It is okay to prioritize our own well-being and happiness over external expectations or societal norms.
    • Making choices based on love rather than fear can lead to more fulfilling and authentic experiences.

    "Change starts with awareness. Being aware of what no longer serves us allows us to make better decisions." - Eduard Brink

    After diving deep into the sunk cost fallacy and exploring the art of letting go, we invite you to join us in a personal challenge that promises to reshape your approach to decisions in business and life.

    Here’s your call to action:

    🤍 Start with an honest inventory of your life. Identify areas, items, or even relationships that may be lingering around due to sunk cost bias. This could be anything from unused subscriptions and outdated projects to friendships that no longer align with your growth.

    🤍 We challenge you to take decisive steps:

    • Delete five apps from your phone that you haven’t used in the last month.
    • Pause or terminate five projects or tasks that are not bringing you joy or contributing to your goals.
    • Cancel five meetings that aren’t absolutely necessary, creating space for what truly matters.
    • Choose five physical items in your environment that you can donate, sell, or throw away. Let go of what no longer serves you.
    • Reflect on your relationships. If there are people who drain your energy rather than replenish it, consider if it’s time to let go or reduce contact.

    Your journey to decluttering your life and making more mindful choices starts now. Are you ready to let go of the past and embrace a future filled with love, purpose, and clarity? 

    🔊 If you found value in today’s episode, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and share this podcast with friends. Your support helps us spread the message of love over fear and reach more listeners. Remember, growth begins at the end of your comfort zone. 

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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    13m - Mar 29, 2024
  • Ep. 32 Dare to Disrupt: A Guide to Crushing Obstacles and Igniting Success with Ron Lovett

    Step into a world where business thrives not on fear, but on love, where employees are not mere cogs in a machine, but passionate creators shaping their destiny. In this captivating episode of the Love Not Fear podcast, host David Henzel delves deep into the realm of empowering company culture with the visionary entrepreneur Ron Lovett.

    Ron Lovett, a trailblazer in challenging industry norms, author of "Outrageous Empowerment: The Incredible Story of Giving Employees Their Brains Back" and "Scaling Culture", unveils his transformative approach to leadership, where traditional hierarchies are replaced with a decentralized model, empowering frontline workers to become ambassadors of change. Discover how Ron's decision-making process acts as a beacon of guidance, instilling autonomy and critical thinking at every level of the organization.

    Through real-life examples, Ron shares the highs and lows of his journey, from missteps in change management to monumental successes in unleashing the full potential of his workforce. Learn how transparency, purpose-driven leadership, and the flywheel framework propel Ron's companies to unprecedented growth and impact. Tune in now and embark on a journey to transform your company culture and unlock the true potential of your workforce!

    "None of us are going to build great companies. We're going to lead people who will build great companies."

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Building a strong company culture requires transparency, collaboration, and change management. It is important to involve employees in decision-making processes and give them a sense of ownership.
    • The decision-making process should be guided by the question, "Is it the right thing for the customer? Is it the right thing for the business? Are you willing to be accountable for your decision?"
    • Empowering employees to make decisions based on their expertise and experience can lead to better outcomes and increased productivity.
    • The flywheel concept can be used as a tool to guide business decisions and maintain focus. It involves identifying key levers or dominoes that lead to success and continuously improving upon them.
    • Treating employees as owners and providing them with the tools, resources, and training they need can lead to higher employee satisfaction and better business outcomes.

    "Your front line runs the business. Whoever's closest to the customer runs the company."

    It's up to you to take the next steps towards fostering a workplace driven by love, not fear:

    🤍 Dive deeper into Ron's insights by reading his books, "Outrageous Empowerment: The Incredible Story of Giving Employees Their Brains Back" and "Scaling Culture." These books offer practical guidance and inspiring stories that will revolutionize your approach to leadership and company culture.

    🤍 Take a moment to reflect on your current company culture. Are your employees empowered to make decisions? Do they feel a sense of ownership and purpose? Identify areas for improvement and opportunities to align your culture with your values and goals.

    🤍 Implement the decision-making process. Start incorporating Ron's three-step decision-making process into your organization. Encourage your team to prioritize decisions based on what's best for the customer, the business, and their accountability. This simple yet powerful framework will foster critical thinking and autonomy among your employees.

    By embracing these action steps, you'll not only transform your organization but also create a workplace where employees thrive, innovation flourishes, and success becomes inevitable. Let's take the first step towards building a culture of love, empowerment, and purpose together.

    Show Notes: lovenotfear/podcast


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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    25m - Mar 21, 2024
  • Ep. 31 Crafting your day: Small steps towards big wins

    Embark on a profound exploration with David and Eduard in the latest installment of the Love Not Fear podcast. In this episode, we delve into the intricate connection between our past habits and our future intentions.

    Ever found yourself waking up to a flood of stress-inducing thoughts from the past? David and Eduard share their personal journeys of navigating morning routines to seize control over their mindset. Discover how minor shifts in your daily rituals can ignite a chain reaction of positivity and productivity. Dive deep into the power of conscious living as we uncover the connection between past traumas and present actions. Learn how to identify and reframe negative thought patterns, paving the way for a future driven by intentionality and love. From morning affirmations to the art of "eating the frog," explore actionable strategies for cultivating a mindset geared towards success and fulfillment. Gain insights into building streaks of positive habits and harnessing the energy waves that propel you forward.

    Join us on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we unravel the mysteries of the human psyche. Together, let's unlock the door to a future brimming with possibilities, guided by love, not fear. Tune in now to the Love Not Fear podcast and embark on a transformative voyage towards a life of purpose and intentionality.

    "Not all negative feelings, not all negative emotions are necessarily bad. It's just that they might tell you that something is off course." - Eduard Brink

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Building new routines and breaking free from habitual patterns can lead to a more productive and fulfilling day.
    • Emotions are the end product of past experiences, and by rewiring these experiences, it is possible to change thought patterns and habits.
    • Taking small steps and accomplishing tasks early in the day can create a snowball effect of success and productivity.
    • Being conscious of one's emotions and reflecting on them can help identify patterns and make positive changes.
    • The power of words and communication can greatly influence outcomes and relationships.

    "I think this is the trauma that people are stuck with and that this is the reason why they're held back or preoccupied with negative thoughts or negative patterns." - David Henzel

    Ready to take the first step towards rewiring your mindset for a life driven by love, not fear?

    How to get started:

    🤍 After listening, take some time to reflect on the key takeaways from the episode. Identify areas in your life where you can apply the principles discussed, whether it's adjusting your morning routine, reframing negative thought patterns, or embracing conscious decision-making.

    🤍 Connect with us on social media to share your thoughts, experiences, and insights inspired by the episode. Engage with a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to living authentically and fearlessly.

    🤍 Delve deeper into the topics covered in the episode by exploring recommended readings, online courses, and additional resources curated by David and Eduard. Expand your knowledge and continue your journey towards personal growth and transformation.

    Don't wait another moment to embark on this life-changing adventure. Take action today and start shaping the future you desire - one intentional step at a time. Together, let's create a world where love triumphs over fear.


    📕 "The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture" by Gabor Maté

    📗 "Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything" by BJ Fogg

    📘 "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene

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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    E29 - 14m - Mar 14, 2024
  • Ep. 30 Creating spaces of trust and growth: Insights on shaping company culture with Andreas Konstantinou

    Curious about how to measure the health of your company culture and use it as a KPI for growth? In this captivating episode of the Love Not Fear podcast, we have the privilege of welcoming Andreas Konstantinou, a man whose life is a testament to the power of persistence, purpose, and the pursuit of passion. Andreas, a multifaceted entrepreneur and educator, shares his journey from founding /Data, a firm that bridges giants like Microsoft and Amazon with the intricacies of developer insights, to leading the charge in redefining workplace culture with his latest venture, Rethink Culture.

    Beyond the boardroom, Andreas embodies the spirit of a servant leader and a lifelong learner. With a rich history in the Entrepreneurs Organization Greece, including presiding over its chapter and spearheading the largest European event, EO Unlimited Santorini, Andreas's leadership extends into nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs through his roles as an adjunct professor at Athens University of Economics and Business and Lund University, Sweden.

    As we delve into Andreas's story, we uncover the enduring values of persistence that have shaped his journey, the profound impact of literature on his worldview, and the ethos of designing a life filled with purpose and passion. Andreas's dedication to fostering an environment where love triumphs over fear in the workplace not only challenges the traditional paradigms of leadership but also invites us to envision a future where every individual is empowered to bring their whole self to work.

    Join us as Andreas Constantinou reveals the lessons learned from the great American literary giants, the significance of creating a living poets society, and the joy found in the pursuit of triathlons. Through a blend of storytelling, insightful reflections, and actionable advice, this episode is a beacon for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of the entrepreneurial landscape while fostering a culture of love, not fear.

    "Trust leads to a sense of psychological safety where you're able to share your opinion and talk about what bothers you, even if the people around you might not agree or if you think that they might not be convinced by your ideas." - Andreas Konstantinou

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Building trust is essential for effective communication and a healthy company culture. Creating an environment where people feel safe to voice their opinions and share their weaknesses is crucial.
    • Healthy conflict is necessary for growth and innovation. Encouraging open and respectful discussions allows for different perspectives and leads to better decision-making.
    • Autonomy and ownership are key elements of a successful culture. Allowing employees to make decisions and take initiative fosters a sense of responsibility and engagement.
    • Purpose is a powerful motivator. Companies should strive to align their mission and vision with a greater societal impact to inspire employees and create a sense of meaning in their work.
    • Implementing tools and practices such as post-mortems, error logs, and continuous improvement cycles can help identify areas for growth and facilitate a culture of learning and development.

    "The framing needs to be around how the company, alongside many other companies, is helping make a positive dent in society. Even if you are in a boring company or a company with a boring mission, you can think about empowering or inspiring employees." - Andreas Konstantinou

    Are you inspired by the idea of transforming your workplace into a culture where love prevails over fear? Where every team member is engaged, empowered, and working towards a shared purpose that makes coming to work a joy rather than a duty? Then it's time to take action!

    How to get started?

    🤍 Assess your culture. Visit Rethink Culture's website (rethinkculture.co) and take advantage of the tools available to assess your company's culture. Understanding where you stand is the first step towards where you want to be.

    🤍 Implement the change. Start small with tangible actions that address the core areas discussed: building trust, fostering autonomy, enhancing communication, and clarifying purpose. Remember, change begins with the willingness to act differently today than you did yesterday.

    🤍 Spread the word. Share your progress and inspire others. Whether it's through social media, blog posts, or casual conversations, let people know about the transformational journey your company is undertaking. Your story can spark a change in others.

    This isn't just about improving productivity or enhancing job satisfaction but also about creating environments where people feel valued, understood, and connected to a greater purpose. It's about leadership that chooses love over fear, empowerment over control. If you're ready to be a part of this transformative movement, the time to act is now.

    Embrace the challenge, lead with love, and let's create workplaces where everyone thrives. Together, we can reach Andreas Constantinou's goal of helping 1 million companies foster cultures of love and fearlessness. The journey starts with you.

    🔊 If you found value in today's episode, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and share this podcast with friends. Your support helps us spread the message of love over fear and reach more listeners. Remember, growth begins at the end of your comfort zone. 


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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    E30 - 40m - Mar 4, 2024
  • Ep. 29 Redefining productivity: How to allocate your time for maximum happiness

    What if the key to productivity isn't about doing more, but about being more? Dive deep into a transformative journey with David Henzel and Eduard Brink on the latest episode of the Love Not Fear podcast. In this thought-provoking episode, discover how the autopilot of daily habits shapes our lives more than we realize, and learn how a conscious shift in these routines can lead us from a path of fear to one of freedom and fulfillment.

    David and Eduard share personal insights on the critical importance of how we allocate our time, not just in the pursuit of efficiency but in the cultivation of happiness. They explore the intricate balance between work, personal growth, and family life, revealing strategies to ensure your calendar reflects your true values and priorities.

    Find out how tracking your time and habits can be a powerful tool for change, leading to remarkable improvements in both personal and professional spheres. Listen as they discuss the transformative power of defining clear boundaries and the courage to say no, enabling you to focus on what truly matters.

    It's an invitation to challenge the status quo of productivity and embrace a lifestyle where every moment counts towards your happiness. Whether you're looking to overhaul your daily routine, enhance your relationships, or find greater satisfaction in your work, David and Eduard's insights will inspire you to take control of your time and live a life dictated by love, not fear.

    "Show me your calendar and how you spend your time, and I'll tell you who you are." - David Henzel

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Living on autopilot can prevent individuals from making decisions based on love rather than fear. By creating more consciousness and focusing on intentional choices, individuals can make a significant shift in their lives over time.
    • Tracking habits, setting goals, and measuring progress are essential for personal and professional growth. By being conscious of how time is spent and aligning actions with values, individuals can make positive changes in various areas of their lives.
    • Joining a peer group or mastermind can provide valuable support and perspective in decision-making. Sharing experiences and ideas with others can help individuals gain clarity, overcome challenges, and make more informed choices.
    • The trade-off between freedom and taking on new opportunities requires careful consideration. It is important to assess the impact of new endeavors on daily life and existing commitments before making decisions. Managing energy and seeking input from others can help in making informed choices.
    • Overcoming fear and embracing love in decision-making can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. By being conscious of fears and making choices based on love, individuals can create a path to freedom and live a more fulfilling life.

    "Positive peer pressure is a beautiful thing. When we're together in a group and you see how I'm doing with my habits and I see how you're doing, we're more likely to stick with them." - Eduard Brink

    Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that redefines what it means to be productive and truly happy? We want to invite you to actively participate in reshaping your life:

    🤍 Reflect on your current habits. Start by taking a close look at how you spend your day. What habits are serving you, and which ones are pulling you away from your goals?

    🤍 Track your time. For one week, diligently track how you spend your hours. You might be surprised by what you find. This insight is the first step toward making meaningful changes.

    🤍 Define your priorities. What are the non-negotiables in your life? Family? Health? Career? Creativity? Clearly define these areas to ensure your time aligns with your values.

    🤍 Implement boundaries. Learn the power of saying no to activities and requests that don't serve your ultimate goals. It's not just about freeing up time; it's about making space for growth and joy.

    If this episode strikes a chord with you, subscribe to our podcast for more enlightening discussions. Share it with friends, family, or anyone you believe could benefit from this journey. Your support helps us reach more people looking to make a positive change in their lives. 

    This is your moment to take control of your time and, in turn, take control of your life. Let's move beyond the conventional definitions of productivity and embrace a life filled with joy, purpose, and love. 

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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    E29 - 16m - Feb 28, 2024
  • Ep. 28 Grow through what you go through: Mastering the art of letting go

    How does releasing emotional baggage change the way we experience the world around us? Step into a transformative journey with the latest episode of the Love Not Fear podcast, where hosts David Henzel and Eduard Brink invite you to master the art of letting go and growing through what you go through. This episode delves into the heart of personal transformation, using David's unique experience with aphantasia as a backdrop to explore how we can all learn to release the past and embrace the present for a richer, more fulfilling life.

    It's a powerful call to action: to shed the weights that hold us back, to turn our trials into triumphs, and to find strength in the moments that challenge us the most. Discover the keys to unlocking gratitude, resilience, and growth, no matter what life throws your way. This isn't just about overcoming obstacles; it's about learning to dance in the rain, finding joy in the journey, and cultivating a mindset that sees every challenge as an opportunity to grow.

    Join us for an episode that promises not just to engage your mind but to touch your heart and spark a profound shift in how you navigate the ups and downs of life. Whether you're struggling to move past a difficult chapter, searching for the strength to face current challenges, or simply seeking a dose of inspiration, this conversation is a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of perspective. Get ready to let go, grow, and transform with Love Not Fear.

    "Building systems and structures, like regular meetings and clear roles and responsibilities, can help improve communication and alignment in personal relationships, just like in business." - David Henzel

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Aphantasia, a condition where individuals are unable to visualize images in their minds, can provide a unique perspective on living in the present moment and letting go of the past.
    • Logic can be a powerful tool for making decisions and moving forward without being held back by past memories or emotions.
    • Guilt can be transformed into a motivator for positive change by focusing on solutions and learning from past mistakes.
    • Changing the story we tell ourselves about past events can help us let go and embrace renewal.
    • Making room for new experiences and emotions requires releasing the past and cultivating gratitude and growth.

    "We cannot change what happened in the past, but we can change the story about how we think about it. In time, we can even remember a bad event in a positive way, focusing on what we learned from it." - Eduard Brink

    Ready to embark on a journey of transformation and growth? If today's conversation sparked a flame within you, it's time to take that spark and turn it into a blazing path forward. We invite you to join our community of like-minded individuals who are choosing to live life out of love, not fear, and who see every challenge as an opportunity to grow.

    Here's how you can dive deeper and truly make a difference in your life:

    🤍 Reflect on your own life. Take a moment to think about what you're holding onto that's holding you back. What step can you take today to start letting go and moving forward?

    🤍 Act out of love, not fear. Make one decision today that reflects this philosophy. It could be as simple as reaching out to an old friend, starting a gratitude journal, or setting aside time for self-reflection.

    Remember, growth is a journey, not a destination. It's about taking small, consistent steps towards becoming the best version of yourself. And it's about doing so with a community that supports you, challenges you, and grows with you.

    So, what are you waiting for? Let go of the past, embrace the present, and step into a future where you grow through what you go through. Join us on this journey and let's transform together.

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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    E28 - 14m - Feb 22, 2024
  • Ep. 27 Embracing change, celebrating progress: Lessons in lifelong transformation

    Dive into an enlightening conversation with David Henzel and Eduard Brink on this episode of the Love Not Fear podcast, where they delve into the heart of new year's resolutions - their creation, their challenges, and what it truly takes to stick to them through the year. Broadcasting live from Eduard's office, this episode offers a rare glimpse into the personal and profound journey of setting and sticking to goals. 

    They explore the curious case of resolutions - why we make them, where we stumble, and how a select few manage to cross the finish line. Through personal tales and candid revelations, discover the lesser-known statistics that shed light on the fate of these yearly promises and the psychological undertow that often leads to their demise. From discussing the power of environmental cues to the importance of self-awareness and the concept of an "error log," David and Eduard navigate the highs and lows of habit formation. 

    This episode is more than just a conversation. I's an invitation to reflect on your own resolutions and the underlying forces at play. Engaging, insightful, and peppered with humor, it promises to leave you with new perspectives on how to live a life driven by love, not fear, and how to finally make those resolutions stick. Whether you're in search of inspiration, motivation, or just a good story, this episode is a must-listen for anyone intrigued by the human capacity for change.

    "Fear is a warning sign, but it's important to take action and become solution-oriented rather than staying in a state of fear." - David Henzel

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Creating an environment that supports positive habits is crucial for maintaining them. Making habits easy and removing triggers that lead to negative behaviors can increase the chances of success.
    • Reflecting on past mistakes and learning from them is essential for personal growth. Keeping an error log and identifying patterns can help in avoiding similar pitfalls in the future.
    • Fear can be a powerful motivator, but it is important to distinguish between rational and irrational fears. Taking action and being solution-oriented can help overcome fear and move towards a state of love and positivity.
    • Willpower is not an unlimited resource. Making fewer decisions and automating routines can conserve willpower and make it easier to stick to good habits.
    • Surrounding oneself with supportive and like-minded individuals can greatly influence behavior and help in maintaining positive habits.

    "Reflecting on past mistakes and making changes to avoid repeating them is a powerful tool for personal growth." - Eduard Brink

    🤍 As we wrap up this insightful journey with David Henzel and Eduard Brink on the Love Not Fear podcast, it's clear that the path to keeping new year's resolutions is both complex and deeply personal. From the startling statistics that reveal the fate of most resolutions to the powerful strategies that help the few succeed, this episode has delved into the essence of personal growth and the transformative power of self-awareness.

    🤍 But the conversation doesn't have to end here. We invite you to reflect on your own resolutions, habits, and the environments that shape them. Consider the role of willpower, the impact of your surroundings, and how you might implement tools like the "error log" to navigate your journey towards lasting change.

    🤍 Share your stories, challenges, and victories with us. How do you plan to apply the insights from this episode to your life? Connect with us on social media, leave us a review, or send us a message. Your experiences and insights enrich our community and inspire others to embark on their own journeys of transformation.

    🤍 Thank you for joining us, and remember: every step towards understanding ourselves and our habits is a step towards a more fulfilling and fearless life.

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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    E27 - 23m - Feb 16, 2024
  • Ep. 26 From vision to movement: The game-changing philosophy of Junk Kouture with Troy Armour

    In this groundbreaking episode of the "Love Not Fear" podcast, we dive deep into the heart of creativity and sustainability with the visionary Troy Armour, the innovative mind behind Junk Kouture. This global phenomenon is not just redefining fashion; it's transforming how we view waste, art, and the power of young minds. Imagine a world where trash turns into treasure, where the next generation leads the charge in environmental stewardship through the lens of fashion. Troy takes us on a journey from the inception of Junk Kouture in the northwest of Ireland to its explosion onto the global stage, illustrating how creativity can spark a movement and change the world.

    But who is Troy Armour? A self-described 'Impact Entrepreneur,' Troy has not only redefined the concept of wearable art but also challenged our collective approach to the world's resources. Under his guidance, Junk Kouture has evolved into the world's first sport for creatives, a platform where young designers are empowered to see the potential in the discarded, crafting stunning pieces of fashion from recycled materials. His mission goes beyond the catwalk; it's about instilling a mindset of sustainability and innovation in future generations.

    In this conversation, Troy shares his personal journey of transformation, from a young boy in Ireland with a dream to a CEO and visionary leading a global initiative. He talks candidly about the challenges and triumphs, the moments of doubt, and the flashes of brilliance that have marked his path. We explore the essence of Junk Kouture and its impact on both the participants and the world at large. How does it challenge our perceptions of waste and creativity? How has it become a catalyst for change among the youth?

    Join us as we delve into these questions and more, uncovering the stories of resilience, creativity, and hope that define Junk Kouture. This episode is not just a conversation; it's a call to action—a reminder that innovation can come from the most unexpected places, and that each of us has the power to make a difference. 

    "We don't value creativity enough, and it's around us every day." - Troy Armour

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Troy Armour's passion for creativity and his own experiences as a child inspired him to create Junk Kouture, a movement that gives kids the opportunity to showcase their skills and talent.
    • Junk Kouture challenges young people to create wearable designs from junk material, promoting sustainability and creativity.
    • The movement has had a significant impact on the lives of participants, helping them gain confidence, discover their true potential, and pursue careers in creative fields.
    • Troy emphasizes the importance of valuing creativity and providing equal opportunities for all kids, regardless of their background or skill set.
    • Junk Kouture aims to reach every classroom in the world, promoting inclusivity, sustainability, and the power of creativity.

    "The power of being seen for who you are - this is what Junk Kouture is about." - Troy Armour

    🤍 Visit Junk Kouture's website to learn more about their mission and how you can get involved. Whether you're a student, educator, or just someone passionate about the cause, there are numerous ways to participate or support.

    🤍 Become a Junk Kouture ambassador: If you're inspired by Troy's vision and want to take a more active role, consider becoming a Junk Kouture ambassador in your community or school. Help spread the message and engage young creatives in this incredible opportunity.

    🤍 Challenge yourself or someone you know to create your own piece of wearable art from recycled materials. And don’t forget to use the insights gained from this episode to advocate for sustainability and creativity in your local community. 

    🔊If you found value in today's episode, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and share this podcast with friends. Your support helps us spread the message of love over fear and reach more listeners. Remember, growth begins at the end of your comfort zone. 


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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    E26 - 42m - Feb 9, 2024
  • Ep. 25 Easing the load: How to shift from overwhelm to compassion

    In this captivating short episode of the "Love Not Fear" podcast, hosts David Henzel and Eduard Brink discuss the art of transforming stress into caring actions. David shares his personal battles with juggling too many projects and how focusing on whom he's serving has been a game-changer. Eduard, in turn, reflects on his own experiences of comparing himself to others and finding solace in gratitude and self-improvement.

    The conversation is rich with insights on the destructive nature of stress and the healing power of caring — not just for others, but for oneself. They explore practical strategies, like prioritizing tasks that hold the most value and implementing morning routines that set the tone for a fulfilling day. The episode doesn't shy away from the hard truths about the pressures we face but offers a compassionate lens through which we can view our struggles and triumphs.

    You are invited to engage in self-reflection, identifying your own "frogs" - tasks you’ve been avoiding - and encouraged to tackle them head-on as a step towards personal growth. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to cultivate a life led by love and compassion, offering actionable advice to make meaningful changes in how we approach our daily lives. Join David and Eduard as they share their journey and insights, inspiring us to make the shift towards a more compassionate existence.

    "Just think about how can you get better from where you are today to tomorrow" - David Henzel

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Stress can be managed by focusing on providing value and reducing clutter in one's life.
    • Comparing oneself to others can lead to unnecessary stress, and it is important to count one's blessings and practice gratitude.
    • Self-care, such as establishing a morning routine, can help alleviate stress and provide a sense of accomplishment.
    • Seeking support from loved ones and maintaining close relationships is crucial in managing stress and finding emotional support.
    • "Eating the frog" refers to tackling challenging tasks early in the day to increase productivity and reduce stress.

    "If you step into a room with ten people, you might think everybody's doing great, but until you start talking to them, maybe everybody has the same amount of shit going on just in different areas." - Eduard Brink

    🤍 We challenge you to engage deeply with the insights shared in this podcast episode. Reflect on the areas of your life where stress takes the driver's seat and consider how shifting your focus to caring can change the dynamics. What are the "frogs" in your life that you've been avoiding? Identify them, and let's take a bold step together towards tackling them head-on.

    🤍 But we don't want this journey to be a solitary one. Share your stories, your challenges, and your victories with us. How have you transformed stress into compassion in your own life? What strategies have you found most effective? Your experiences are invaluable, and by sharing them, you contribute to a community of support and understanding.

    🤍 Join our Love Not Fear alliance or follow us on socials to continue the conversation. Remember, each small act of caring has the potential to ease someone's load significantly!

    If you found value in today's episode, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and share this podcast with friends. Your support helps us spread the message of love over fear and reach more listeners. Remember, growth begins at the end of your comfort zone.


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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    E27 - 6m - Feb 8, 2024
  • Ep. 24. From good to great communication: Unlocking the Communication Code with Jeremie Kubicek

    This new episode of the Love Not Fear podcast takes an exciting turn as we welcome Jeremie Kubicek, a globally recognized author and speaker. Jeremie's expertise in leadership and communication is not just acclaimed but deeply influential, as evidenced by his Wall Street Journal bestselling status with works like "Leadership is Dead," "The Peace Index," "The 100X Leader," "5 Voices," and "5 Gears." Jeremie's unique insights have graced platforms like MSNBC, INC magazine, and Entrepreneur, and have permeated the corporate cultures of some of the world’s largest companies, impacting over 115 countries. 

    In this episode Jeremie brings his wealth of global experience to the table, providing insights that transcend conventional communication strategies. "The Communication Code" explores the intricate relationship between expectations and communication. Jeremie introduces the concept of 'code words' – key terms that help in understanding and meeting the expectations in every interaction – Celebrate, Care, Clarify, Collaborate, and Critique. They serve as a guide to not only express one's own needs but also to interpret and fulfill the needs of others effectively.

    This episode is a treasure trove for anyone looking to refine their communication skills, understand the dynamics of leadership, and learn how to create a culture of positivity and growth both in their personal life and in the workplace.

    "Every time you communicate, you're expecting something. And we figured out that every expectation has a code word." - Jeremie Kubicek

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Communication has expectations attached to it, and understanding the code words for different expectations can lead to effective communication and meeting expectations.
    • The five code words are celebrate, care, clarify, collaborate, and critique. By identifying the code word for someone's expectation, communication can be tailored to meet their needs.
    • Customizing communication based on individual personalities and preferences can enhance relationships and eliminate miscommunication.
    • The Peace Index is a tool that assesses levels of peace and hope in individuals' lives, providing insights into areas that may need improvement.
    • Acting out of love means fighting for the highest possible good of others, which may involve providing support and challenge to help them grow and succeed.

    "Love means to fight for the highest possible good of those you lead." - Jeremie Kubicek

    📚 Grab a copy of "The Communication Code" to deepen your understanding:

    Implementing the Communication Code in a team setting can greatly improve communication and collaboration. By following this structured approach to communication, teams can minimize misunderstandings and improve overall performance. The Communication Code provides a common language that allows team members to effectively communicate their expectations and work together more efficiently.

    🔊 If you found value in today's episode, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and share this podcast with friends. Your support helps us spread the message of love over fear and reach more listeners. Remember, growth begins at the end of your comfort zone. 


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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    E24 - 33m - Jan 31, 2024
  • Ep. 23 The illusion of comfort: Why stagnation isn't bliss

    Have you ever considered that your comfort zone might be holding you back? David and Eduard challenge this notion head-on, exploring why comfort often leads to stagnation and how embracing discomfort can unlock new levels of self-discovery. They share practical advice, from reimagining daily routines to tackling fears headfirst.

    This episode isn't just about pushing boundaries but about understanding them. Why do we cling to comfort, and how can stepping into the unknown lead to unimaginable growth? Whether it's about transforming body and mind through exercise or the subtle art of negotiation as a life skill.

    Join us on this journey of self-discovery, where we learn to balance the scales between comfort and growth, and understand how fear often masks itself as comfort. Get ready to redefine your comfort zone!

    "Comfort can be a prison if there is no growth or uncertainty." Eduard Brink

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Leaving comfort is the journey of growth. By stepping out of one's comfort zone, individuals can experience personal growth and achieve their desired goals.
    • Comfort can become a stagnant situation if there is no growth or uncertainty. It is important to embrace uncertainty and seek significant growth to avoid feeling trapped in a comfort zone.
    • Fear often drives individuals to avoid risks and hinder significant growth. Overcoming fear and exposing oneself to new experiences can lead to personal development and a more fulfilling life.
    • Redefining comfort as a dynamic process of continuous growth and self-discovery can lead to deeper satisfaction and success. It is important to collect skills, experiences, and develop a growth mindset to navigate future challenges.
    • Taking small steps outside of one's comfort zone, such as trying new activities or engaging with strangers, can help build the confidence to tackle bigger challenges. Mental cleanup, such as completing tasks or canceling subscriptions, can also create space for growth and clarity.

    "If you do not grow, everything becomes stale. If a business is not growing anymore, it's dying. If a relationship is not growing anymore, it becomes stale and it dies. Also, if your status quo, even if it's nice, if it doesn't evolve, then it becomes, meh, normal. I think this is how we were built." David Henzel

    Step out of your comfort zone:

    🤍Find your discomfort zone. Identify an activity that makes you uncomfortable but is beneficial for your growth. It could be public speaking, starting a workout routine, or even engaging in a hobby you’ve been postponing.

    🤍Take action. Commit to this activity for the next week. If it's public speaking, join a Toastmasters session. If it’s fitness, start with a small workout routine. The key is to start and push through the discomfort.

    🤍 Share your experiences with us. How did you feel before, during, and after the activity? Did you notice any changes in your perspective or personal growth?

    🤍 At the end of the week, reflect on your experiences. How has stepping out of your comfort zone impacted you? Share your stories with us in the comments or email us. We’d love to hear and possibly feature your stories in our next episode!

    If you found value in today's episode, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and share this podcast with friends. Your support helps us spread the message of love over fear and reach more listeners. Remember, growth begins at the end of your comfort zone. 

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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    E20 - 12m - Jan 30, 2024
  • Ep. 22 Confronting inner barriers: The role of protector and projector in self-development

    Ever felt like there's a part of you holding back, whispering cautions and fears into your ear? That's the Protector, the voice that aims to keep us safe but often at the cost of our full potential. Contrastingly, the Projector represents our bolder, more outspoken self, pushing us to expand our comfort zones and embrace the unknown.

    In this riveting episode of the Love Not Fear podcast, join hosts David Henzel and Eduard Brink as they delve into the compelling concept of the 'Protector' versus 'Projector' within us all. Through their engaging discussion, David and Eduard explore how we can identify and balance these inner voices to transform our lives. They bring in fascinating insights from SpeakerLab's, and even touch upon the power of alter egos to demonstrate how adopting a new persona can empower us to overcome deep-rooted fears.

    But it's not just about creating a new self. As David shares from his personal journey and the inspiring lessons from the book, "The Alter Ego Effect," it's about integrating these aspects to be a more authentic, fearless version of ourselves. Eduard brings the conversation full circle by discussing how we can practically apply these concepts in everyday situations, from public speaking to personal relationships.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to break free from the shackles of fear and self-doubt. So, tune in, as we embark on this thought-provoking journey from the confines of the Protector to the liberating realm of the Projector. Where do you stand in this inner debate? Let's find out together in this episode of Love Not Fear.

    "The new you is the old alter ego." Eduard Brink

    In Today’s Episode:

    • The protector is the voice of fear that keeps us in our comfort zone, while the projector is the voice of boldness and expansion.
    • Adopting a projector alter ego can help us overcome fear and step outside of our comfort zones.
    • Affirmations can be a powerful tool to calm the protector and shift our mindset from fear to love.
    • Surrounding ourselves with the right people who push boundaries and inspire us can help us overcome our own fears and limitations.
    • Prioritizing tasks and using time blocking techniques can help us manage our time effectively and accomplish our goals.

    "Projector reminds me that everything you want is on the other side of fear." David Henzel

    Are you ready to transform the way you approach your fears and unleash your true potential?

    🤍 Reflect on your mindset. Throughout your day, identify moments where you're operating from a 'protector' or 'projector' mindset.

    🤍 Embrace boldness. Challenge yourself with one bold action today that pushes you beyond your comfort zone. Share your experience with us!

    We love hearing from you! Leave comments, suggest topics, or share your insights on today's discussion.If our conversation resonates with you, please subscribe, rate, and review our podcast. Your support helps us reach more people with our message of shifting from fear to love.

    Your journey from the Protector to the Projector is unique and important. Let’s navigate it together, learn from each other, and grow. Join us in this movement of transforming fear into love and action!

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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    E22 - 14m - Jan 26, 2024
  • Ep. 21 Action over anxiety: How the Serenity Prayer redefines stress management

    How often do we let go of control over things we can't change, and focus on what we can? In this episode of the Love not Fear podcast, hosts David Henzel and Eduard Brink discuss the Serenity Prayer and its impact on reducing stress and anxiety. They delve into the three elements of the prayer: accepting the things you cannot change, having the courage to change the things you can, and knowing the difference between the two.

    The hosts share personal stories and insights on how they apply the Serenity Prayer in their own lives, emphasizing the importance of focusing on what you can control and taking action to make positive changes. They also discuss the benefits of talking about your problems with others and seeking different perspectives.

    "Living by the Serenity Prayer helps me tremendously in life to be less stressed because I only focus on what I can impact." David Henzel

    In Today’s Episode:

    • The Serenity Prayer, popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous, can help reduce stress and anxiety by focusing on what you can control and taking action.
    • Accepting the things you cannot change is crucial for finding peace and avoiding a victim mentality.
    • Having the courage to change the things you can empowers you to take action and make positive changes in your life.
    • Talking about your problems with others can provide new perspectives and solutions, helping you navigate difficult situations.
    • Applying the Serenity Prayer and engaging in meaningful conversations about your stressors can lead to personal growth and happiness.

    "Not acting on a good idea doesn't mean the idea is bad." Eduard Brink

    Apply the Serenity Prayer in your life:

    ✅ Take a moment to deeply consider the words of the Serenity Prayer. Understand its three core elements: acceptance, courage, and wisdom. Reflect on how these principles can be applied in your daily life.

    ✅ Identify personal challenges. Think about a current challenge or stressor in your life. It could be anything from a personal issue, a professional hurdle, or a relationship problem.

    ✅ Reach out to three different people in your circle. They could be friends, family members, colleagues, or mentors. Share your challenge with them and ask for their insights. The goal here is to gain different viewpoints and possible solutions.

    ✅ Based on your discussions, identify aspects of your challenge that you can control and take action on. Make a plan to address these areas.

    ✅ Acknowledge and allow space for any emotions related to your challenge. Understand that balancing emotion with action is crucial for personal growth.

    Remember, the goal is not just to overcome a specific challenge, but to cultivate a mindset that helps you navigate through various aspects of life with a balance of acceptance, courage, and wisdom.

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    #lovenotfear #lovenotfearpodcast

    E21 - 12m - Jan 24, 2024
  • Ep. 20 Discovering your true desires: Overcoming subconscious barriers

    Do you really know what you want in life, or are subconscious beliefs steering your ship? In this insightful episode of the "Love Not Fear" podcast, the focus is on the compelling topic of subconscious beliefs and their impact on achieving the life we desire. The conversation delves into the intriguing ways in which our unexamined beliefs, often rooted in culture and personal experiences, can unknowingly hold us back from realizing our true potential and desires.

    The episode highlights the importance of self-awareness in identifying and understanding these hidden influences. The hosts David Henzel and Eduard Brink discuss the power of reflecting on one's life journey, acknowledging personal growth, and the significance of celebrating small victories in the pursuit of larger goals. Additionally, the conversation touches upon the role of past experiences and traumas in shaping our current mindset and actions.

    Tune in and discover practical strategies and thought exercises designed to help you uncover your genuine aspirations and navigate past subconscious barriers.

    "Living in the present moment and being open to new experiences is often blocked by our limiting beliefs and the things we think we have to spend our attention on." Eduard Brink

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Slowing down and putting yourself in a different environment, such as through travel, can help you gain clarity on what you truly want in life.
    • The importance of celebrating your successes and counting your blessings, rather than focusing on what didn't work.
    • Subconscious beliefs can hold us back from pursuing what we truly want. Identifying and challenging these beliefs is crucial for personal growth.
    • Fear often stems from a belief that we won't be able to handle a situation. Reminding ourselves of past successes can help overcome this fear.
    • Breaking down desired changes into small, manageable steps can make them more achievable and build momentum.

    "Fear often comes from thinking that you will not be able to handle the situation that you're potentially putting yourself in." David Henzel

    Here is your plan:

    Identify three things you want to start and three to stop, breaking down your goals into manageable steps.

    Creating positive change in life often starts with small, consistent steps rather than drastic transformations. It's easy to become overwhelmed when thinking about significant life changes, leading to inaction or frustration. However, focusing on minor, manageable adjustments in daily routines can be more effective and less daunting.

    Making small changes and gradually building routines can lead to significant improvements over time. This approach is about progression, not perfection. It's about recognizing that each small step contributes to a larger goal. For example, if you want to improve your fitness, start with short daily walks rather than aiming immediately for a marathon. If you're going to read more, begin with a few pages each night instead of a whole book in one sitting.

    These small actions become habitual, and habits are powerful. They shape our days, influence our choices, and ultimately, define our lives. By experimenting with and committing to these small steps, you can create a foundation for sustainable change. It's a game changer because it shifts the focus from solving a massive problem to making incremental progress.

    Transform your life by aligning your actions with your true desires. Break free from the subconscious beliefs holding you back and step into a life of fulfillment and joy.

    And don't forget to share your experiences with us! We'd love to hear how this approach transforms your life. Subscribe, rate, and leave a review to keep the positive ripple going. Visit lovenotfear.com for more inspiration, and remember, your feedback fuels our mission to spread the message of purpose-driven living. Rock on, and we'll catch you in the next episode. Thank you for being a part of the Love Not Fear podcast community.

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    E20 - 14m - Jan 4, 2024
  • Ep. 19 Unlocking inner strength: Emotional intelligence vs. reactive behavior

    Join David Henzel and Eduard Brink in the new episode of the “Love Not Fear” Podcast, where they chat about something we've all wondered: is it better to live with emotional intelligence or just cruise through life on autopilot? They delve into the concept of emotional intelligence as the ability to recognize, express, and manage emotions effectively, contrasting it with the ease and potential pitfalls of running life on autopilot. The conversation includes personal anecdotes and practical tips, such as David's experiment of refraining from impulsive purchases and Eduard's insights on confronting fears and discomfort.

    They also discuss the importance of impulse control in various aspects of life, from resisting unhealthy snacks to managing emotional reactions. The episode highlights the significance of being in tune with one's values and how this awareness aids in responding appropriately to life's challenges. The duo also dives into the art of empathy, exploring how asking the right questions can deepen our understanding of others. They round off with the idea of "worry time," a practical tip for tackling life's challenges when we're at our best, not when we're overwhelmed.

    So, whether you're sipping your morning coffee or winding down after a busy day, tune in to this episode for a friendly, engaging conversation that's sure to leave you with some food for thought!

    "Emotionally intelligent people don't try to change and criticize others." Eduard Brink

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Emotional intelligence involves being aware, expressing, and managing emotions effectively.
    • Impulse control can be improved by delaying purchases and avoiding triggers.
    • Addressing unresolved issues with others can provide closure and improve relationships.
    • Avoid criticizing and trying to change others; focus on finding solutions instead.
    • Detaching from personal attacks and responding with empathy can defuse conflicts.
    • Implementing single topic meetings and worry time can help manage emotions and improve decision-making.

    "Impulse control is a sign of emotional intelligence." David Henzel

    Resolve and reconnect:

    👉🏻 Take the first step: Reflect on your relationships. Identify where you might have unresolved issues or misunderstandings, particularly with family members or close friends. Acknowledge these loose ends as opportunities for growth and healing.

    👉🏻 Reach out with Love: Initiate the conversation. Extend an invitation for a face-to-face meeting, a phone call, or even a simple coffee date. Say something like, "Hey, I've been thinking about our last conversation, and I feel like we left things unresolved. Can we talk about it?"

    👉🏻 Act from a place of Love, not fear: Approach these discussions with an open heart and a mindset of love. Let go of any fears or apprehensions about the outcome. Remember, the act of reaching out itself is a powerful gesture of care and consideration.

    👉🏻 Lighten your emotional load: Understand that by addressing these issues, you're not just helping to mend relationships, but also unburdening yourself. Picture each resolved issue as removing a weight from your emotional backpack, making your journey through life lighter and more joyful.

    And don't forget to share your experiences with us! We'd love to hear how this approach transforms your life. Subscribe, rate, and leave a review to keep the positive ripple going. Visit lovenotfear.com for more inspiration, and remember, your feedback fuels our mission to spread the message of purpose-driven living. Rock on, and we'll catch you in the next episode. Thank you for being a part of the Love Not Fear podcast community.

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    E14 - 14m - Dec 27, 2023
  • Ep. 18 Passion: friend or foe? Exploring the dual nature

    In this episode, David Henzel and Eduard Brink discuss the importance of finding passion and purpose in life. They explore the concept of ikigai and how it can help individuals align their skills, passions, and what the world needs. They also touch on the potential crisis of meaning and identity in today's world and how having a purpose can navigate through difficult times.

    The hosts share personal experiences and insights on finding and pursuing one's calling, as well as the balance between passion and reason. They emphasize the importance of focusing on what you can control and letting go of external factors beyond your control.

    To top it off, they wrap up with a super handy exercise for listeners to assess their activities and see if they're really in line with their personal goals and aspirations. Tune in now!

    "If you find your calling, then you don't work a single hour in a day." David Henzel

    In Today’s Episode:

    • Finding passion and purpose improves mental and physical health.
    • The ikigai model can help individuals align their skills, passions, and what the world needs.
    • Passion can be a good servant but a bad master, leading to distraction and addiction.
    • Setting ambitious goals can lead to unexpected achievements and personal growth.
    • Balancing passion and reason requires focusing on what you can control and detaching from external factors.

    "There's also a big lesson in what are you aiming at? Because even if you fail, you find yourself in a league where you wouldn't have dreamt of being earlier." Eduard Brink

    Here's your action plan:

    👉🏻 Grab a pen and paper, just like Dan Martell suggests in his book "Buy Back Your Time." Start by listing your daily tasks and creating those two crucial columns: one for whether each task gives you energy or takes it away, and the other to assign a value to each task in terms of its potential income.

    👉🏻 Next, take a moment to reflect on your purpose, mission, and vision. Consider whether each task aligns with these guiding principles. You may discover that some tasks that initially seemed energy-draining can actually bring you closer to your goals.

    👉🏻 Delegate low-value tasks whenever possible, and let's make a conscious effort to prioritize those activities that not only align with our mission but also energize us. This simple exercise can be a game-changer in reclaiming your time and moving toward your true purpose.

    And don't forget to share your experiences with us! We'd love to hear how this approach transforms your life. Subscribe, rate, and leave a review to keep the positive ripple going. Visit lovenotfear.com for more inspiration, and remember, your feedback fuels our mission to spread the message of purpose-driven living. Rock on, and we'll catch you in the next episode. Thank you for being a part of the Love Not Fear podcast community.

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    Spread the message and share the Love with every person you talk to! ❤️

    E18 - 14m - Dec 22, 2023
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