Keys to recognize your breakthrough is near - Apostle Joseph Simwela

11m | May 23, 2023

*Keys to recognize your breakthrough is near*


As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. 

I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him?

*Psalms 42:1‭-‬2 NLT*

_ I thirst for thee_

Do you ever feel the urge to be with the Lord?, The hunger to pray, to be in the word, to be in a place of worship - to just be surrounded by the worshipping atmosphere?

Hunger always call for something - before you eat, there must be hunger.

Before you are filled or blessed, there must be a longing desire to be filled or to be with the one who blesses.


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.

*Matthew 5:6 NKJV*

There is no filling without the calling to be filled.

If you want to take advantage of the kingdom system for your success, then you need to better discern the times.

I am sharing with you, two things you need to note before the Lord blesses you.

You need to know when the Lord is about to descend to bless you.

How do you know you are about to be blessed?, Knowing that someone wants to give you something is enough preparation for receiving.

How do you know you are about to receive?, Firstly - 

1. *There is hunger within you to be with the Lord*. . .

Suddenly, your desire to be with the Lord just hits another level, you just want to be in prayer, a place of fellowship, you just need to be reading the Bible, listening to the word.

When you feel like praying more. . . .

It's a sign

When you feel like fasting. . .

It's a sign that something is coming

Your duty it's to be sensitive and never abort such a craving of the Spirit.

Many times we abort our blessings by entertaining friends and other worldly things instead of nurturing the hunger God has given us.

*David said, my Soul longs for you. . . .it's a sign. . .*

What sign has the Lord given you that your life is about to change?, Have you understood it or are you walking in it?

Another thing to note when the Lord is about to lift you is

2. *Loneliness, loss of company or separation*

When God wants to bless you, He will first give you a burden or situation which will separate you from others so You can be with him.

It does not matter the kind of separation - some people can leave your life so you can be blessed

Abraham was blessed even more when Lot separated from him

Mary of Magaderene and two disciples went to the tomb of Jesus, but at the point when Mary remained alone, Jesus showed up.


So Jehu left the others and went into the house. Then the young prophet poured the oil over Jehu’s head and said, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I anoint you king over the Lord’s people, Israel.

*2 Kings 9:6 NLT

Jehu was anointed King of Israel when he went into the house leaving friends outside.

Jacob sent forth the sons and the two wives ahead, and he remained alone for his name to be changed . . .


This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break.

*Genesis 32:24 NLT*

And Jacob spoke, I will not leave you till you have blessed me - and Jacob was blessed, his name was changed from Jacob to Israel.

Separate yourself, rock yourself in the room and pray, separate self and concentrate on the word of God to be illuminated with the light from above.

*May the Lord grant you the grace to always hunger for him in Jesus name!*

The grace to separate self, be upon you in Jesus name!

Just like Jacob to Israel, your name is changing:

Your tears will become laughter in Jesus name,

Problems are being turned into a blessing, in Jesus name!

You are strong and not weak in Jesus name!

Those who despised you will honor, respect and lift you highly in Jesus name!

Your name is favour, favour shall follow you all days of your life in Jesus name!

*It is well, you are blessed today and forevermore in Jesus name!*

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Apostle Joseph Simwela