Dominance Over Satan- Apostle Joseph Simwela

10m | Apr 17, 2023

Born for dominance

Salvation is not all you need to be fighting for - you have been saved to serve God and you cannot serve God without dominating Satan.

You do not serve God with your human power, God is Spirit and you need *Spiritual power* to serve him.

Salvation is for all, and has no ranking - one is either saved or unsaved but when it comes to Spiritual power or to operate in the supernatural - believers are ranked?

You need this power (Spiritual) - to serve the Lord

Your purpose as a believer is to transfer the perfect will of God from God's realm (heaven) to earth - to your life and the surrounding.

The Bible says,

*Your Kingdom come, as it is in heaven. . .*

You were born to establish the Kingdom of God on earth by the use of Spiritual power - the anointing

When we talk of the anointing, many think it's the subject of men of God, the Apostles, prophets, evangelists e t.c. . .

Take note of this,

The will of God may be that you get married and settle, but Satan too has his own mind about your life - and Satan will initiate a *warfare against* the plan of God on your life.

If there is no anointing within you to make manifest the will of God in your life, then the works of Satan in your life becomes obvious - 

- no promotion at work despite working for so long

- No job despite having all the needed qualifications

- no rising in your business, career, ministry

- Sickness becomes part of your life

The anointing/power of the Holy Ghost or Spiritual stamina is needed for every Christian

The more Spiritual stamina you have - the more the possibilities in your life - it's like the purchasing power

Your Spiritual stamina is proportional to the degree at which you have given up the world and everything in it - for Jesus.

Thus *The 🗝️*

Nothing just happens - excellency is a choice and not a chance.

Salvation is not all you need - you must win in heaven as well as here on earth.

Here on earth we have Satan and you need Spiritual stamina to stand out.

Your daily living should not be categorized as sin or without sin.

It's not enough to stay away from sin - focus on bringing the perfect will of God in your . . .

- life

- business

- career

- marriage

- job

- family

 *This requires a highly ranked spiritual stamina*


*How much power do you have to serve the Lord, to bring the perfect will of God to your life and the surrounding?* 

How do you get this power?

How do you keep increasing it?

When good things stop happening in my life - I know my spiritual power bank is low to empty and I need to recharge.

Some possibilities will not manifest in your life when your spiritual power bank is at 60%. . . Until you hit 85%, you will keep begging for promotion, workshops, contracts, appreciation, stable relationship, stable marriage - you need the *power of God* to make manifest the mind of God in your life.

Power is for servant hood - you get empowered to serve

The more you are willing to serve- the more you are empowered

Let me read you a text. . . .. 


“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. 

You cannot serve God and *mammon* [money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord].

*Matthew 6:24 AMP*

The secret to more Spiritual stamina dwells in forsaking the mammon in your life

Whatever you give much attention to, much time and concern before the Lord - is your mammon, and thus where your heart is. . .


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

*Matthew 6:21 NKJV*

Where your heart is, it's enough clue to the state of your *Spiritual power bank.*


My son, give me your heart, And let your eyes observe my ways.

*Proverbs 23:26 NKJV*

The key to the anointing lies in handing over your heart to the Lord - surrendering your time and desires to the Lord.


“Everything is permissible,” but not everything is *helpful* . “Everything is permissible,” but not everything *builds up.* 

*1 Corinthians 10:23 HCSB*

Those who focus on serving the Lord, *staying without sin* will not be the only criteria for living but getting the most out of their 24 hours given.

- they will start viewing watching series as unprofitable and not really a sin

- watching football becomes unprofitable

- long chatting with friends, partying and reading some materials become unprofitable. . .

Whatever is helpful, whatever builds up - that one, you must do

Your time is not for everything even if it's not a sin *(permissible)*


Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

*Ephesians 5:15‭-‬16 ESV*

The free time you are enjoying now - use it on prayer, . . .

Use it fasting. . .

Use it reading the Bible

Use it reading spiritual books

Use it listening to/watching anointed Servants of God

 *Something that is helpful and builds up* - focus on it

You were created to serve the Lord, to bring the mind of God in everything you do - you need the power of God to do this.

 *Power comes when you give up the world and everything in it for Jesus. . .*


Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

*1 John 2:15 ESV*

Your love for God is measured by the degree of time you give Him - your heart.

*God bless you, as you decide to dominate over Satan in your life. . .*

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Apostle Joseph Simwela