At your word - Apostle Joseph Simwela

7m | May 11, 2023

*At thou word - I will do it*


When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down  your nets for a catch.” 

 “Master,” Simon replied, “we’ve worked hard all night long and caught nothing! *But at Your word*, I’ll let down the nets.”

*Luke 5:4‭-‬5 HCSB*

*At thou word - I will do it*

There is power in the word spoken by God through His true, chosen and proven servant here on earth. . .

A word is enough to change your life if believed and carried out

You do not need more words in prayer, but a word received in faith

Looking at the word in Spirit, 

Its not that fishes were there at that particular time when Jesus said throw your net for a catch, but at his voice - the voice of the creator their master, fishes complied and made themselves available.

True and proven servants of God do not need to see your money for business, your job or contract - he or she speaks a word and the Spirit of God fulfills the spoken word - angels are dispatched to bring you a job.

There is power in the word spoken by a true servant of God. . . . *at your word*

You might have tried that business, and it never worked and you gave up.

You might have tried farming in those crops and livestock - and you didn't see any gain and you lost everything.

Today I come with yet another voice of the Lord, go back to that previous vision and plan

 It could be that you started alone without the creative voice of the living God - its time, take a step.

*Go back to that business in the mighty name of Jesus!*

*Your job is coming in the mighty name of Jesus!*

*God is working on your marriage and relationship in the mighty name of Jesus!*

*Receive your promotion in the mighty name of Jesus!*

The Lord will make customers available, there will be enough rains and fertilizer for your crops - stand up in strength and re -focus.

You might have given up on school, or re - sitting for an examination that would change your life forever, but if you go back at the command of this voice, I guarantee you a testimony - you will testify to have acquired that which you desired.

*There will be success in your school, in the mighty name of Jesus!*

You might have given up sending job seeking applications, but at today's voice I guarantee you success - *Apply and get a Job, in Jesus might name!*

Today!, I want you to say "

*at your word Lord, I will do*

*at your word Lord, I believe*

And your life will never be the same, God bless you.

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Apostle Joseph Simwela