• Reserve Bank of NZ Considering CBDCs

    Do you think "Digital Cash" is a good idea? See poll results here


    Overview from their website:

    "At the Reserve Bank - Te Pūtea Matua, we're looking at digital cash. It would be an electronic version of cash, issued by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, but it would not replace cash.

    We are in stage 2 of a multi-year, multi-stage process of considering digital cash. We've developed some principles and design options for New Zealand’s digital cash, and we want you to tell us if we have got it right and what it would mean for you."

    The Reserve Bank Of New Zealand Is Seeking Feedback On Their New Programmable Money Proposal, Dubbed “Digital Cash”. Don't Miss Your Chance To Reject It! Reality Check Radio (NZ) has posted a video here giving an overview of the Reserve Bank's survey here: https://realitycheck.radio/cbdc/

    Here's the direct link to their survey (note: No personal information is required to submit your answers!)


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    S4 - 3m - Jul 25, 2024
  • Reclaiming Sovereignty in NZ - ep 73

    Join the conversation with Ruth Russel about Te Wakaminenga- the original sovereign Maori government of New Zealand.

    Te Wakaminenga o Nga Hapu or Peoples of Nu Tireni has recently re-emerged as an organised body known as Te Wakaminenga National Congress to reinstate the dejure constitutional governance of Nu Tireni New Zealand. Since 1835 the Chiefs of New Zealand declared and affirmed their independence and authority over all the territories of New Zealand via He Wakaputanga, the Declaration of Independence. The signing of Te Tiriti, the Treaty 1840 unlawfully disrupted their absolute powers that forced an unlawful cession of their sovereignty that was passed to the British Crown and then to the New Zealand Crown. 

    At this moment, the occasion calls for a resurgence as pressures surround our tangata whenua (native peoples) and all peoples of our land due to the implementation of globalist plans originating from the NZ Crown and beyond, spanning the entire globe. Wakaminenga Maori Government extends its reach throughout the land to eliminate the roots of poverty and various impedances, while opening doors for everyone to pursue protection, progress and prosperity, aiming for a brighter tomorrow under our constitution of He Wakaputanga Declaration of Independence.

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    S4E73 - 30m - Jul 13, 2024
  • Independence Day 2024! - ep 72

    Today, like our forefathers, you are called to courageous, solemn action to get personally and directly involved.

    Your duty is significantly more than casual voting. It is participatory politics. It is citizenship. The Yankee patriot, Noah Webster, noted, “If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted … If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.” (Straub 2012). This is our state of affairs today. To course correct this terrible reality that faces our nation this very hour, you are called to get involved at a deeper, more meaningfully important level. It may produce a sense of fear and cause your stomach to knot. However, the most important virtue, courage, starts with you. Your courage will inspire others.

    From "Values We Hold Dear" by Kyle A. Stone

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    S4E72 - 22m - Jul 4, 2024
  • WW3: Shots Fired - ep 71

    Are we on the brink of World War 3? Are we already there? If so, how would we know when it began? Or are we, as a global population, so oblivious, so indifferent that we don’t even think about the possibility?  

    I would agree with those who are saying it has begun, before the Ukraine war, and the current escalations by NATO… but ultimately history will decide.  It wasn’t really until after World War II was over, when it was being written about and studied, that the term “World War II” became more widely used. One difference today is that we have the historical perspective of 2 previous world wars. But that also means that the powers who start these wars have also learned from the past, and they now have silent weapons for quiet wars. Which is also by the way, the title of a book I highly recommend you read.

    I think we can make the argument that in this new generation of warfare, the initial attacks won’t come from barrel of a gun, but the point of a needle.

    Please share the links in Show Notes for this episode:


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    S4E71 - 37m - Jun 23, 2024
  • Reviving Our Values with Kyle A. Stone - ep 70

    My guest today is Kyle A. Stone, author of Values We Hold Dear. He holds a Master of Arts in Defense and Strategic Studies from the United States Naval War College, a Master of Business Administration from the University of Washington, a Bachelor of Arts in History from Brigham Young University, as well as a Project Management Professional Designation. 

    Kyle’s engaging storytelling helps us reconnect to the traditional values that once defined the American spirit- and he makes a compelling case that this is the path to breaking the globalist grip on Western Society.

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    S4E70 - 45m - Jun 14, 2024
  • Twilight Of The American Experiment with Michael C. Anderson - ep 69

    Interview with author Michael C. Anderson: discussion on the dangers of- (and the genetics of) political Left/Right Tribalism in America, and how our present trajectory threatens to end the Great American Experiment.

    His current research links together human morality and genetics, telling the story of how DNA places us on the political spectrum and influences the political parties we support. The left controls academia, the cultural narrative, traditional media, and social media and uses them to paint American traditions as evil and corrupt. The balance between different views has become disrupted by the political left, which wishes to impose its ideology on the rest of us.

    We cover a lot of ground in this interview, so please check out the Show Notes for articles and videos discussed: https://libertynow.com/twilight-of-the-american-experiment

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    S4E69 - 1h 5m - Jun 9, 2024
  • Health Is Freedom with Sarah Thompson - ep 68

    Today we’re talking with Sarah Thompson a Homeopathy practitioner- and I wanted to get her take on the Allopathic/traditional medicine’s approach to heath today in the COVID era and it’s failures. I’ve been skeptical of Homeopathy in the past, but considering how the WHO and Dr Fauci pushed big pharma for profit over safety while pushing a huge campaign demonize PROVEN, safe medicines like Ivermectin, maybe it’s time we look more closely at alternative medicine.

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    S4E68 - 31m - Jun 3, 2024
  • Liberty Minute: #Bird Flu Fraud?

    Is Bird Flu the next “Covid Crisis”?

    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the World Health Organisation (WHO) said that “The world is not ready for 'Disease X’.”

    However, the WHO, Anthony Fauci and other “authorities” such as “Dr. Bill Gates” are ready- and have been remarkably confident about upcoming pandemics. 

    In 2017, before COVID became a household word, Anthony Fauci accurately “predicted” that the Trump administration would face a “surprise” outbreak: “…there is no question that there will be a challenge in the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases…but there will also be a surprise outbreak.”

    But after living through one of the worst (global responses to) pandemics, we should inoculate ourselves with a healthy dose of skepticism before dusting of the masks and bio-hazard suits. Given the mountains of evidence now available, it can be argued that the public health crisis was due more to media mis-information and government policy than to a virus.

    Listen for one action you can take now, then please read more and watch the videos: https://libertynow.com/bird-flu-fraud/

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    S4 - 4m - Jun 1, 2024
  • World at a Crossroads - ep 67

    There is no doubt that the world is now in a time of historic change- and some would say, of biblical proportions. But how do we quantify this?

    In this episode, author Jeremy McMullen examines the current multiple crises in America through the lens of Gettysburg. His book, Nation at a Crossroads draws some striking comparisons between conditions in the country leading up to the Civil War and the political climate today. And as they say, “As goes America, so goes the world”.  

    Get the links and resources from this episode in Show Notes at https://libertynow.com/

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    S4E67 - 49m - May 26, 2024
  • Grid-Down with Chris Underwood - ep 66

    Chris Underwood is a dystopian fiction writer, prepper, and the author of The Cold Winter grid-down series. The dystopian future genre began to interest him a dozen years ago after noticing trends and seeing things between the lines. Where the future will actually lead is hard to predict, but open and educated discussion always has value.

    In this episode, we discuss various grid-down scenarios and what we can do to prepare for them.

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    S4E66 - 32m - May 17, 2024
  • Fighting Fake News - ep 65

    Specifically, with world events, news, social media. If you weren’t physically present as an eye witness to an event, how can you be sure what actually happened? Especially today, with the explosion of AI tools that can make such realistic simulations?

    I’ve had people ask how they can tell what is fake news. Or how can I be so sure what the truth is?

    I know we could dive a lot more into specific headlines here but a lot of them are click-bait or distractions. Not that we shouldn’t take action or ignore what’s going on, but I think FIRST you need to be able to interpret what’s going on, to step back and look at THE BIG PICTURE. Today, I’d like to offer my Top 5 Tips for fighting fake news.

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    S4E65 - 20m - May 9, 2024
  • On Anarchy with Michael Storm - ep 64

    Michael Storm is a comic book shop owner, writer for Cop-Block, former street activist and a truth-seeker. His podcast "Toward Anarchy" is beneficial to anyone seeking to distance themselves from the collective and find individual liberty.

    He says that "Contrary to conventional misconception Anarchy is not chaos or even controlled order. Anarchy is the natural, predominant state of being. This is proven through all of our uncounted and uncountable voluntary interactions made without the need for or consideration of self-appointed authority. So many that statistically authority doesn't exist." More at https://www.towardanarchy.com/

    In this episode we discuss how his conception of Anarchy squares with Capitalism, von Mises and the Austrian School of Economics. We also dig into "The Shirky Principle" and the threat of AI systems.

    Get the show notes and join the Liberty List at https://libertynow.com/

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    S4E64 - 33m - Apr 24, 2024
  • Got Greenhouse? - ep 63

    So remember when "chemtrails" were just a conspiracy theory?

    Well the state of Tennessee just passed bill HB 2063 / SB 2691 to ban what? Geo Engineering (aka CHEM TRAILS)

    And yet even now, CNN and the MSM STILL deny it and think we’re stupid or just trying to wear us down with gaslighting. See the article below.

    The truth behind those white streaks trailing behind jets in the sky

    read more: https://edition.cnn.com/us/chemtrails-conspiracy-theory-explained-cec/index.html

    This is one more reason why you should consider growing your vegetables in a GREEN HOUSE. Among other things, the chemicals being constantly sprayed on us may include titanium oxide, silicon oxide, zirconium oxide, or glass, and may contain platelets of mica or metal or crystals of olivine, or other reflective material such as a thin mirror layer of aluminum. 

    See patent US8033879B2

    Biophysical geoengineering compositions and methods https://patents.google.com/patent/US8033879B2/en

    This has been one of those issues quietly going on in the background and doesn’t get as much attention because we’ve got so many things competing for our attention down here and so much noise- and things like, you know, World War III.

    The passing of HB 2063 / SB 2691 are just what's needed to FINALLY bring proper attention to this very real, government-run health threat.

    And for those who may know but don’t care, or they think it’s a good thing for the sake of global warming, you might ask

    • WHO gets to decide what is the best or safest method to handle it?
    • Who pays for it? Did you vote? 
    • Do you know what chemicals are being used?
    • What are the side effects on our health and environment down here on the ground?
    • If it’s really working, why aren’t we hearing about the successes? Why is the climate alarmism still getting louder?
    • If it’s so great, why is it so secret? Why are they denying it?

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    S4E63 - 27m - Mar 29, 2024
  • Election Misdirection - ep 62

    I'm still here, after a looong break, back to the USA. In episode 62, we introduce a new project, "Election Misdirection", the board game! The game we have created is a fun, educational and challenging board game simulating the 2020 U.S. election wherein every possible fraudulent means was used to divert the votes of the republic and install the very president who would seek its destruction. If you'd like to support our effort to educate (and entertain) the public about US elections, visit our Give Send Go page https://www.givesendgo.com/election-misdirection

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    S4E62 - 29m - Mar 20, 2024
  • Warnings From History - ep 61

    Today I want to talk about the big picture. Rather than go on about the current wars, border crises, pandemics or election fraud, I want to look at the main source of all the geopolitical chaos going on. And I know many of you are aware of this, but I’d like to provide you with some sources to back that up- a few voices from history who have been warning of this for a long time.

    What are the warnings about? The general theme is that we are in danger of a top-down GLOBAL take-over by a very small ruling elite of beureaucrats and technocrats.

    Links and Show Notes at www.LibertyNow.com

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    S3E61 - 43m - Nov 17, 2023
  • Medical Freedom in NZ? - ep 60

    This week I was a guest on An Informed Life Radio, talking about the state of medical freedom in New Zealand. If you followed the news here during the Plandemic, you'll know that we had some of the most restrictive government policies in the world, including government-mandated gene-therapy injections. Many people (including yours truly) who refused the jab were fired by employers too afraid to stand up against it. However, when the NZ government implemented these mandates, there was a massive public pushback, including a convoy to Parliament in Wellington attended by tens of thousands of peaceful protestors. While the mainstream media and MPs such as Michael Wood labeled them a "River of filth", it was a remarkable display of unity and peaceful resolve by those who chose to stand up for human rights. To get the full, true story I highly recommend watching RIVER OF FREEDOM: http://www.RiverOfFreedom.nz a must-see documentary, for ALL New Zealanders and anyone else who has has suffered these draconian government measures.

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    S3E60 - 59m - Oct 20, 2023
  • Worldview Musings - ep 59

    This was recorded while I was still on air at Plains FM, shortly before I was "discontinued" from the station. Recording was in 2021, but still relevant, so dusting if off and sending it your way for a listen. Got questions or a tip? Send them to John@LibertyNow.com

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    S3E59 - 25m - Oct 8, 2023
  • Liberty Minute - Upcoming NZ Candidates Livestream

    LIVE! This Friday 7pm (New Zealand time, UTC+12) Watch local candidates discuss their platform policies and plans for the upcoming elections in New Zealand. Livestream will be on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/6735445816499343

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    1m - Sep 20, 2023
  • Listen To Your Gut (health) - ep 58

    My guest today is Christian Yordanov, a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and author of the book Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy, which is a comprehensive resource for parents to understand the most common health problems that autistic children suffer from and how to address them. Learn more at ChristianYordanov.com

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    S3E58 - 38m - Sep 11, 2023
  • A Father's Prayer - ep 57

    Happy Father's Day to Dads in New Zealand and around the world! This is a special episode celebrating two historic fathers; Douglas MacArthur of WWII fame and Abraham of the Bible.

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    S3E57 - 37m - Sep 2, 2023
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