Ja Neh.. Unrequited Love

Season 1 | Episode 6
36m | Jan 30, 2021

"No matter how much you wish you could, you cannot control how another person feels and loves. Just because someone fails to see your worth, it doesn't make them a bad person, and it doesn't mean you are unlovable. It simply means that they are not meant for you." - @momentaryhappiness

In this episode we have a light conversation about unrequited love. Fulu shares a poem and 7 beautiful lessons learnt from unrequited love.

In conversation with: Fulufhelani Mashapha.

Fulu's youtube channel:

Share your thoughts with us: @LAOBB_ on twitter, @Tshiamomonyai on IG.

Artwork by: Lelapa Thuba

Backtracks by: Sam Backing Tracks:

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Love and Other Broken Bones: The Podcast