• Ann-Elise Quinn ('15) - Research Analyst

    In this episode of the IWP Files - Alumni Spotlight, host Katie Bridges interviews Ann-Elise Quinn, a research analyst at Thomson Reuters Special Services and a subject matter expert in human rights crimes related to forced labor. Ann-Elise discusses her work investigating supply chains connected to forced labor, particularly focusing on issues in Xinjiang, China, and the challenges faced in preventing goods produced through forced labor from entering the US market.

    Topics discussed:

    - Ann-Elise's work as a research analyst focusing on human rights crimes related to forced labor

    - Challenges and actions taken by the United States to combat human rights violations in Xinjiang, China

    - Investigating and disrupting supply chains connected to forced labor

    - Ann-Elise's daily work routine as an analyst and exploring various topics related to supply chains and human trafficking

    - Addressing the issue of goods produced through forced labor and how individuals can avoid supporting such practices

    - Resources and organizations individuals can engage with to educate themselves about forced labor and human rights issues in supply chains

    - Ann-Elise's journey from paralegal work to specializing in counterterrorism and supply chain issues after graduating from the Institute of World Politics (IWP)

    - The impact of IWP education on Ann-Elise's career and her transition to a new field

    - Advice for new students on making the most of their education at IWP

    Key takeaways and lessons:

    - Supply chain investigations play a crucial role in combating human rights violations like forced labor.

    - Individual consumers can contribute to ethical supply chains by educating themselves and engaging with suppliers to ensure goods are not produced through forced labor.

    - Networking, continuous learning, and leveraging resources from educational institutions like IWP can significantly impact career trajectories and success in specialized fields like national security and statecraft.

    More information on The Institute of World Politics: https://www.iwp.edu/

    Resources on this Topic:

    - Amnesty International: [Forced Labor Articles](https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do...)

    - Kharon: [Forced Labor White Papers](https://www.kharon.com/)

    - Victims of Communism: [Reports by Dr. Adrian Zenz](https://victimsofcommunism.org/)

    S2E1 - 34m - Feb 22, 2024
  • Lt. Col. Gavin Rice ('14) - Team Lead, Pentagon

    In this episode of the IWP Files, host Katie Bridges interviews Lieutenant Colonel Gavin Rice, a 2014 graduate of the professional Master of Arts in Strategic and International Studies at the Institute of World Politics. Gavin currently works as a team lead within the chairman's action group at the Pentagon. He provides insights into his day-to-day responsibilities, working with a new chairman, and the trajectory of his career. Gavin also discusses the value of his education at IWP and offers advice for those looking to pursue a career in defense.


    - Gavin's work at the Pentagon and his role in the chairman's action group

    - Working with a new chairman and the excitement and challenges that come with change

    - The trajectory of Gavin's career, including his military service and transition to a strategist

    - The process of becoming a functional area 59 (FA 59)

    - The importance of knowing oneself and finding a mentor in one's career

    - Making the most of education by reading, taking notes, and understanding historical context

    - Gavin's biggest impacts in his career so far, including publishing the army Special Operations Forces Strategy for 2030 and working with allies and partners


    - Dare to know: Be a critical thinker, challenge ideas, and be a creative and innovative thinker.

    - Master your craft: Study and understand best practices and historical context to better adapt and innovate in your work.

    - Appreciate the history: Understanding the historical context of defense and national security helps provide a framework for decision-making and problem-solving.

    - Know yourself: Take self-assessments, find mentors, and continually refine and redefine your goals and capabilities.

    - Value allies and partners: Recognize the capabilities and contributions of allies and partners in defense and national security efforts.

    Learn more about IWP graduate programs: https://www.iwp.edu/academic-programs/


    - Institute of World Politics: https://www.iwp.edu/

    - IWP on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook: @theIWP

    - School of Advanced Warfighting (SAW): https://www.usmcu.edu/saw/

    - Army Special Operations Forces Strategy for 2030: https://www.soc.mil/temp-pages/strategy/ARSOF_STRATEGY_2030.pdf

    S1E7 - 26m - Dec 14, 2023
  • Bekah ('10), Police Officer

    An interview with IWP M.A. in National Security recipient Bekah (’10), currently working as a Police Officer.

    If you want to be inspired about service to others, then make time to listen to this episode of the IWP Files. Our guest takes us through her journey from working with Hiring Our Heroes, to her fascinating experience with the U.S. - Russia Foundation before the invasion into Ukraine, to her latest and perhaps most inspiring career decision made 'later in life.'

    *Learn more about IWP graduate programs: https://www.iwp.edu/academic-programs/

    S1E6 - 31m - Nov 29, 2023
  • Nathan Hodge ('22) - DSNS degree recipient

    An interview with IWP Doctor of Statecraft and National Security Professional degree recipient Nathan Hodge (’22).

    In this engaging episode, our guest delves into his experiences working on the joint staff and on his current role focused on force modernization. Listeners will glean valuable lessons on navigating the challenges and rewards of balancing work and education. Furthermore, the episode offers practical advice for those aspiring to enter the field, shedding light on what hiring managers seek and the significance of mentorship and seeking guidance from experienced professionals. In addition to Nathan's own experiences as a mentor, the episode touches on the benefits of mentorship, providing a wealth of insights for those interested in pursuing careers in intelligence and graduate studies. 

    Learn more about IWP graduate programs: https://www.iwp.edu/academic-programs/

    S1E5 - 42m - Nov 1, 2023
  • Wendell Bryant ('23), Captain - U.S. Army

    An interview with IWP M.A. in Statecraft and National Security recipient Wendell Bryant (’23), currently serving as a Captain in the United States Army.

    Wendell has been serving in the Army for 10 years. On this podcast, he reveals his reasons for serving, for seeking out a graduate degree, and for taking all opportunities to 'pay back' and 'pay it forward.' His advice on what to (truly) expect when joining the Army is as frank and as insightful as his description of what he enjoys most about serving and being involved with the ROTC. A great conversation for our regular listeners and especially for anyone interested or currently serving in our Armed Forces who is also thinking about graduate studies. --

    Learn more about IWP graduate programs: https://www.iwp.edu/academic-programs/

    S1E4 - 30m - Oct 3, 2023
  • Saba Sattar ('22), Asia-Pacific Analyst

    An interview with IWP Doctor of Statecraft and National Security (Professional) recipient Saba Sattar (’22), currently working as an Asia-Pacific Analyst.

    Saba shares her impressions of being among the first students of the Professional Doctorate program. She gave us a great way to think about changing jobs and provided her views of the current Asia-Pacific theater and U.S. challenges and opportunities in that region.

    *Learn more about IWP graduate programs: https://www.iwp.edu/academic-programs/

    S1E3 - 23m - Aug 31, 2023
  • Bella Grabowski (’23), Government Affairs Manager

    An interview with IWP Online M.A. recipient Bella Grabowski (’23), currently working in government affairs and space policy.

    In this video, Bella Grabowski (’23) describes her journey to become involved in government affairs and space policy. She discusses the changes in the space ecosystem and the emerging policy issues with regard to satellite infrastructure.

    She also describes how she found IWP through the Polish community in D.C. and how she went through graduate school while she was working during the day. She shares about her experience switching from the in person to the online program at IWP and graduating as IWP’s first graduate of our online Professional M.A. program.

    Bella also offers advice on networking and finding your career path.

    Rather watch the interview? CLICK HERE

    *Learn more about IWP graduate programs: https://www.iwp.edu/academic-programs/

    S1E2 - 17m - Aug 12, 2023
  • James Stoeffel ('20), Cybersecurity Consultant and Filmmaker

    An interview with IWP M.A. recipient James Stoeffel ('20), a cybersecurity consultant and filmmaker.

    James discusses his time at IWP, his current work, and the films he is helping to create. He shares career advice for those with a liberal arts background who are interested in the cyber field. 

    Rather watch the interview? CLICK HERE

    *Learn more about IWP graduate programs: https://www.iwp.edu/academic-programs/

    S1E1 - 24m - Jun 17, 2023
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