K-9 Hemp With Dr. Lisa Caprio

29m | Feb 27, 2023

If your dog is stressed out feeding them some hemp chews made could make all the difference. How exactly do they work? Hemp-based treats are high in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, which help support overall neuro health and are associated with calming, anti-stress effects. 

Dr. Lisa Caprio, MD is an Anesthesiology Specialist in Naples, FL, and has over 32 years of experience in the medical field. As a board-certified anesthesiologist, she observed a dismal trend of patients experiencing chronic illnesses. Realizing the failure of conventional medicine to heal, she was inspired to complete Harvard’s year-long course in structural integrative acupuncture for physicians. 

As a member of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, she offers this modality of intrinsic healing at her new boutique practice, Health and Wealth in downtown Naples. A deeper exploration into the connection between the mind and body compelled her to obtain certification in regression hypnosis from the Edgar Cayce Institute. 

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It's A Dog's Life