65 - How To Use Procrastination To Your Advantage (Productive Procrastination)

5m | Mar 15, 2024

Productive and procrastination.

You would think that these two words don't go together.

You're either productive or you're procrastinating, right?

Well it isn't necessarily so black and white.

In this video I'll explain why it's possible to be a massive procrastinator and yet still get a ton of work done.

Everything you do, could be categorized in 3 tiers of importance.

Tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3.

Tier 1 is the most important tier. This is where your most crucial work falls into.

Then we have tier 2.

These activities are still important, but not as important as your main task in tier 1.

Then finally we have tier 3.

This is where everything that doesn't need to be done at all, falls under.

Now what would happen if you were to remove the possibility of doing tier 3 tasks all together?

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