1. Estimated Due Dates

Season 2 | Episode 1
18m | Jan 13, 2023

The Estimated Due Date... that magical day your hit 40 weeks and fully expect your baby to arrive then or shortly after. As does everyone you shared the date with. The texts flood in - Have you had the baby yet? How long are they going to let you go? Get a sweep. Eat 14 pineapples.

None of it is ill intended but it can sow the seeds of doubt and have you questioning your body - why hasn't it gone in to labour by now?

Well today I'm going to talk you through the due date and why you should pay it as little attention as possible. We're going to talk about focussing on The Due Period rather than a single day, on which less than 5% of babies are born.

The Hypno-WHAT Podcast now has it's own instagram page! Give it a follow here to keep track of new episodes as they come out! And if you want to have a nosy at what Claire is up to you can find me here.

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I hope you are enjoying the soothing sound of Scotland in your ears as your relax during pregnancy; you can now buy more of my hypnobirthing mp3s on my online shop. They are a bargain £4 each and cover topics such as anxiety, confidence building, fear release & preparing to breastfeed. Check it out here! Or to get yourself booked in for private birth prep with me - available online or face to face in Edinburgh & the surrounding.

Your feedback is super important to me - it not only tells the podcast gods & goddesses that you are enjoying the show but it helps me to reach more people, spreading the good word of birth far & wide! If you have a couple minutes to drop me a rating & a few words for a review, I would be so grateful - thank you!


Bull, J.R., Rowland, S.P., Scherwitzl, E.B. et al. Real-world menstrual cycle characteristics of more than 600,000 menstrual cycles. npj Digit. Med. 2, 83 (2019).

A.M. Jukic, D.D. Baird, C.R. Weinberg, D.R. McConnaughey, A.J. Wilcox, Length of human pregnancy and contributors to its natural variation, Human Reproduction, Volume 28, Issue 10, October 2013, Pages 2848–2855,

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Hypno-WHAT?! Modern Hypnobirthing with Claire.