• Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King - A Commitment to the Dream

    We can't believe we are already on episode 4 for this season! This month, Kate and Lauren discuss the love and work of civil rights leaders Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. Listen along as they discuss the highs and lows their amazing lives together and Coretta's heroic second act upholding and expanding her husband's legacy.

    S3E4 - 1h 6m - Jun 1, 2024
  • Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson - The Grandest Gesture

    This month Lauren and Kate discuss a love affair so great it caused a constitutional crisis. Listen as we discuss King Edward VIII of England and his twice divorced wife Wallis Simpson. Everything from their first meeting and relationship dynamics to why they are awful people.

    S3E3 - 1h 15m - Apr 26, 2024
  • Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas - A Gertrude is a Gertrude is a Gertrude

    This month Lauren and Kate discuss and discover the inspiring and comforting romance between famed write Gertrude Stein and her partner Alice B. Toklas. They also discuss the pros and cons of the name Gertrude but mostly it's the couple.

    S3E2 - 1h 20m - Mar 29, 2024
  • Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton - Fighting as Foreplay

    Welcome to Season 3! Lauren and Kate are so excited to start the new season off with a bang!

    This month, they are discussing the love, life, and tribulations of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. The biggest Hollywood couple of the 20th century that oozed passion, glamour, and diamonds out of their pores. Decide for yourself if this was true love or lust run amok.

    S3E1 - 1h 41m - Feb 24, 2024
  • Mating For Life - It's a Jungle Out There

    In the last episode of the year, Kate and Lauren discuss love in the animal kingdom. They discuss and discover the many different ways biologist define monogamy and why even a love bird might stray from their nest.

    S2E10 - 58m - Nov 23, 2023
  • Mary and Percy Shelley - Their Love... It's ALIVE!

    Welcome to the spooky episode of the season! This month, Lauren and Kate discuss and dissect the literary golden couple, Mary and Percy Shelley. Listen in as they discuss a passion only ebbed by grief.

    Intro/Outro song: "Feeling Good" by White Hot

    S2E9 - 1h 9m - Oct 31, 2023
  • Pericles and Aspasia - The Golden Age's Golden Couple

    This month, Lauren and Kate travel back to Ancient Greece where they discuss the love affair between Pericles and Aspasia of Miletus. The most powerful man in Athens loved a woman who might have been many things but was definitely brilliant. Listen along as Kate and Lauren discuss everything we know and everything we don't know about this famous pair

    S2E8 - 57m - Oct 1, 2023
  • Johnny Cash and June Carter - Love is a Burning Thing

    After a long, hot summer it's nice to relax and talk about a long, hot love affair. This month Lauren and Kate discuss the ups and downs of the love lives of Johnny Cash and June Carter. Listen along as they discuss everything from drugs to affairs to the queen that is June Carter!

    S2E7 - 50m - Sep 1, 2023
  • Bonnie and Clyde - Love on the Run

    This month, Lauren and Kate are giving into the summer heat and talking about crime's hottest couple. Listen along as they discuss the highs and lows of Bonnie and Clyde as they go through the age old dating ritual of meeting at a party to spending nearly two full years on the run in the Texas heat.

    S2E6 - 1h 23m - Aug 1, 2023
  • Tristan and Isolde - Is That a Love Potion in Your Pocket?

    In this season's fictional episode (Isis and Osiris are absolutely real don't start with me) Lauren and Kate discuss the myth of Tristan and Isolde. Sometimes called the "original" Romeo and Juliet, this is the story of what when two people who can't be together are unable to resist falling in love.

    S2E5 - 48m - Jun 30, 2023
  • Oscar Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas - A Wilde Affair

    "You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear."

    This month Lauren and Kate discuss the complicated history of Oscar Wilde and the love of his life Lord Alfred Douglas. This Victorian power couple certainly left a legacy rich with romance, art, and a lot of drama. Listen along as the discussion touches everything from the value of art and wit to the behavior of a man who always carries a whip.

    S2E4 - 1h 8m - Jun 1, 2023
  • Osiris and Isis - Order in Chaos

    This month, Kate and Lauren are going way back to the beginning and covering the greatest couple in Egyptian mythology, Osiris and Isis. Come along on a journey that discusses the beginning of everything and the ingredients to make both the world's first mummy and power couple.

    S2E3 - 55m - Apr 29, 2023
  • Napoleon and Josephine Bonaparte - Revolution and Infatuation

    On this month's episode, Lauren and Kate discuss infamous French Emperor and complex namesake, Napoleon Bonaparte and his first wife Josephine. From the French Revolution to an actually surprising amount of islands, this is a wild ride!

    S2E2 - 1h 58m - Mar 31, 2023
  • Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz - We Love Lucy Too!

    We're back with a new season!

    Our second season premiere covers another one of Kate's favorites, the iconic couple at the center of television's favorite show. Listen as Lauren and Kate discuss the love and laughter during Desi and Lucy's 20 year marriage and the show that made them legends.

    Intro/Outro Song Credit:

    Beat Provided By https://freebeats.io

    S2E1 - 1h 57m - Feb 14, 2023
  • Divorce - A Breakup Icon

    In the last episode of season 1, Lauren and Kate discuss the history of divorce. It's a wild ride from Mesopotamia to Reno, Nevada. They also talk about their favorite parts of this last season. Season 2 will be posted on Valentines Day 2023!

    Thanks for a great season!

    S1E10 - 57m - Nov 29, 2022
  • Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal - A Wonder of Love

    This month's episode covers the last couple of the first season. Join Kate and Lauren as they discuss and discover the epic love between Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan and his favorite wife Mumtaz Mahal and the monument he created for her the Taj Mahal!

    S1E9 - 1h 11m - Oct 30, 2022
  • Marie and Pierre Curie - A Radiating Romance

    This month Lauren and Kate take a very small step towards Science Royalty as they discuss the love and lives of Marie and Pierre Curie. While this episode is short of scientific explanations, they make up for it with a deep dive into what a little chemistry will get you.

    S1E8 - 57m - Sep 29, 2022
  • Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn - In Over Her Head

    A very exciting episode has Lauren and Kate discussing the doomed "romance" of King Henry the VIII and Anne Boleyn. Anne's complicated portrayals are discussed while they debate where the truth actually lies. 

    Intro/Outro Song Credit:

    Beat Provided By https://freebeats.io

    Produced By White Hot

    S1E7 - 2h 24m - Aug 30, 2022
  • Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown - Will She Always Love Him?

    A VERY special episode this month! Lauren is taking over with a couple of her choice. She and Kate discuss the love and loss of the most talented woman to ever live - Whitney Houston.

    Intro/Outro Song Credit:

    Beat Provided By https://freebeats.io

    Produced By White Hot

    S1E7 - 1h 57m - Jul 31, 2022
  • Romeo and Juliet - The OGs

    This week Lauren and Kate cover their first fictional couple. The iconic Romeo and Juliet are discussed and dissected!

    S1E5 - 1h 43m - Jun 28, 2022
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How to Break Up