Wake Up Sheeple! Christians, Conspiracies and Qanon: with Cynane Shay

Season 4 | Episode 41
1h 26m | Oct 3, 2023

(Ultimate Spoiler: Oops, All White Supremacy - AGAIN?)

Have you lost some people you love to an internet conspiracy theory? Is your weird aunt saying wild shit about Jewish space lasers at family dinners? If so, you might be a human being who still believes the earth is a globe that orbits the sun, or, say, that gravity exists...and your friends and relatives and people from church, in particular, are doubting those generally agreed upon realities.

What gives? Why do Christians seem to fall for this stuff? And you know what - it's not because they already believe some pretty mind-boggling things - it's much deeper, more sinister, and perverse than that.

Join Cynane Shay and your unholy trinity of hosts as they discuss the rapid unraveling of reality, thought reform, fascism, and why do Christians believe this stuff? (Once again, the answer will be disappointingly obvious).

Cynane is the mastermind behind Taking Off the Tinfoil Hat. Find her work at:


TikTok: @takingoffthetinfoilhat

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