Episode 172:Let it go now or fall ?

18m | Jun 24, 2024

Welcome back to another episode of our podcast, "Let It Go or Fall." I'm your host, Nick Jancev and today we dive deep into the importance of learning How to let go and the transformative power it holds in our lives.

As human beings, we often find ourselves holding on tightly to things that no longer serve us - whether it's past experiences, relationships, or even our own limiting beliefs. We carry these burdens with us, unaware of the weight they impose on our hearts and minds. But what if we could release these burdens and free ourselves from the chains of attachment?

It’s important to open up about the challenges we faced and the lessons we learned along the way. Our hope is to inspire and encourage you to embark on your own path of letting go.

Through our conversations, we explore the power of surrender and how it can lead to profound healing, growth, and transformation. We discuss the benefits of releasing the need for control and embracing the natural flow of life. Together, we delve into the beauty of surrendering to the present moment and trusting in the divine intelligence that guides us.

Join us as we share insights, practical tips, a meditation .

Whether you're holding on to past hurts, struggling to release expectations, or simply seeking a sense of inner peace, this episode will provide you with the tools and inspiration to start embracing the art of letting go.

So, grab a cozy seat, settle in, and get ready to embark on a powerful exploration of the art of letting go. Together, let's discover the freedom and liberation that comes when we allow things to fall away, making space for new beginnings and a life filled with joy and abundance.

Welcome to "Let It Go or Fall" with your hosts, Nick Jancev Let's dive in and learn why it's important to learn to let go. Enjoy the meditation

You are welcome to get in touch with us if you feel comfortable to find out more about spiritual awakening and growth 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♀️🙏Email: Jancev Holistic Health

Anxiety Coach at Anxiety to Tranquility

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Holistic Health Coach for Anxiety