#51: He Ran into My Boundaries with LaWanna R. Wilson

1h 3m | Dec 8, 2023

LaWanna R. Wilson is a Value Development Coach, author, and podcaster. She is also the creator of Lifestyles Virtual Singles Conference. Join Dr. Jasmine and LaWanna for a conversation about online dating, singleness, and waiting on God for your mate. This transparent girl chat is fun, informative, and empowering. 

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LaWanna R. Wilson is a Value Development Coach, author, host and founder of the Lifestyles Virtual Singles Conference & the Single But Not Solo Podcast. She is passionate about people discovering their value and being empowered in their uniqueness and she assists them in doing so via conference speaking, workshop facilitation, and radio broadcasting.

Episode Quotes: 

  • “He checked all my boxes, but he ran into my boundaries.” 
  • “He wanted to see how far he could push the limit with me.” 
  • “I have value and worth beyond my body.” 
  • “I run into my worth, and I can’t just pick anyone to walk with through life.” 


Dr. Jasmine is a multi-talented author, educator, award-winning community leader, and founder of JLM Global Consulting, LLC and Girl Go Global, a community for purpose-driven women. For 20+ years, Dr. Jasmine has used her unique skills as an educator, professional writer, and communications strategist to build a career that allows her to serve small business owners, in academia, and at all levels of government. Whether she is mentoring women and girls, engaging students during university lectures, speaking as keynote, or serving at all levels of government, she is driven by providing support to others to meet needs, equip, and train. In addition to making the Daily Record’s Successful by 40 Very Important Professionals list, she is a President’s Management Council Fellow, entrepreneur, and writer with interests in topics that concern women.

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