Spring Semester; Super Bands or Bands with Famous People-2802

1h 14m | May 9, 2024

In part two of the Super Group debate we continue to talk about what a Super Group actually is and the music that meant the most to us. The Super Group is a band with a bunch of famous people, or people that are famous in certain circles. Sometimes the Super Group does some amazing things and produces great music. Sometimes they don't produce anything that is memorable and fade away into the night. This episode we discuss music and the so-called Super Group. Some of our favorite Super Groups like The Highwaymen, Oysterhead, Audioslave and their music are on this episode, but we talk about a side projects, songs with a featured artist or two, and if some of the lists out there have been put together with an understanding of a Super Group or if the people that composed the list were influenced by history or some other bias.

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