Worshiping Through Cycles of Grief with Natasha Smith

Episode 95
46m | Dec 4, 2023

A conversation about grief, acceptance, and healing with Natasha Smith


One thing that King David was familiar with was grief. In fact, many Biblical figures we look up to were. Out of all of the Psalms that were written, over a third of them were written as lament, and today, we can read them to help us gain a deeper perspective of who our God is in the middle of pain.

Sometimes, it feels like all you can do is breathe when you're in the middle of intense grief. And, even though that can feel shallow or superficial, those of us who have struggled with the desire to live know how important breathing can be.

In those times, when taking your next breath feels unbearable, remember that the name YAHWEH is made up of aspirated consonants that we breathe in and out every single day. And until you can find the strength to lift your arms again, know that He is with you, and that is enough. 

This week, we are continuing to reflect on some of the themes in Session Five of Selah: Worship Invites Resilience in the Wilderness.


I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.


Today, Ty and I get to close out this season by featuring one woman who has impacted both of us. Today, I have the great joy to introduce you to Brittany Dodson, a worship artist and author. Get connected to her because she is definitely a woman you should know.


Natasha Smith is a grief advocate, author, speaker, podcaster, and content creative. She loves God and believes he has the heart for the hurting. She believed God sees, God knows, and God understands every single thing that we go through.

Natasha she has a heart for the hurting, for the grieving and for those who are experiencing and facing hard times in life as well. She has experienced God's love, sovereignty, power, healing, peace, and love in her life. And Natasha loves sharing God's goodness with others-especially for those who were hurting so that they would know that there is hope in Hope's name is Jesus.

Natasha Smith has been sharing on faith, family and grief for over 12 years through multiple publications, including her website in a few of those publications include her view from home today, parents. And focus on the family. Natasha's new book, Can You Just Sit With Me: Healthy Grieving for the Losses of Life is available today.


Want to find out what was going on in King David's life when he wrote the psalms He's known for? Grab your download here

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