How to Keep Worshiping When Your Children Rebel with Pamela Henkelman

Episode 96
44m | Dec 11, 2023

A conversation about rebellion, grace, and presence with Pamela Henkelman


I am so grateful for those mamas who model how to keep worshiping when your children rebel because they display the heart of our Great God and the love He has for each of us. In fact, my mama has modeled this up close and personally for me.

One of the most interesting relationships in all of 1 and 2 Samuel is that between King David and his son, Absalom. Once David invites Absalom back into the kingdom, he continues to ignore him, and throughout the Scripture we see Absalom fall deeper and deeper into rebellion the more distant he grows from His father.

Thank God that we don't have a Heavenly Father who ignores us-even when we rebel. May we all pray for the parents and their children in each of our lives.

This week, we continue to reflect on some of the themes in Session Five of Selah: Worship Invites Resilience in the Wilderness.


Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

In the NLT, it says, “Then Peter replied, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right.”


Today, Ty and I get ready to close out this season by featuring one woman who has impacted both of us. Today, I have the great joy to introduce you to Heidy de la Cruz, a writer and podcaster. Get connected to her because she is definitely a woman you should know.


Pamela Henkelman is a Life Coach for Midlife Moms, speaker, writer, and host of The Midlife Momma Podcast. With her bright smile and enthusiastic personality, she is passionate about encouraging women, particularly the often-forgotten group of moms with adult children.

Pamela helps these moms navigate their changing roles and build stronger relationships with their grown children.

As a mom of five grown kids and two grandsons, Pamela has first-hand experience with the challenges and joys of navigating the empty nest phase of life. She and her husband, who is a pastor, are living their best empty-nest life and loving every minute of it. Download Pamela’s freebie Your Kids Are Grown…Now What here.


Want to find out what was going on in King David's life when he wrote the psalms He's known for? Grab your download here

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