Episode Four - Jenny McGrath

Episode 4
40m | Aug 30, 2021

Hello and welcome back to the podcast! Today’s episode is a really unique one, as I will be talking with one of my first dance instructors, and in fact the first one who ever believed in me. Jenny McGrath (she/her) is the current owner of Fairgrieve School of Dance in western Pennsylvania, USA . Fairgrieve is a studio over 100 years old and boasts an impressive former student: the fabulous Gene Kelly! But history aside, "Miss Jenny" has set the precedent for how I approach dance pedagogy today. Running a dance studio full-time, Jenny has dedicated her passion to opening doors for those who want to explore their love for movement in a safe, non-competitive environment.

True to Miss Jenny's brand, she doesn't have public social media. And that's absolutely okay! Instead, keep scrolling to learn a bit about Jenny's dance studio, Fairgrieve School of Dance, and check out their website (listed below) to keep up with her adventures.

Fairgrieve School of Dance has taught the art of dance to students throughout Pittsburgh since 1919 and has served the North Pittsburgh region for over 50 years! Located in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, we are approximately 20 minutes north of Pittsburgh. Holding a strong belief that while dancers are athletic, dance is foremost an art and not a sport. We do not participate in dance competitions choosing instead to artistically and technically develop our students through classroom instruction and performance. Our performance opportunities include our annual recital as well as local community days, the Oakmont Lion's club annual show, Idlewild Park and Walt Disney World. These provide very positive experiences for our students at every age. We enhance our dance program by taking advantage of the wealth of professional venues and performers in Pittsburgh by hosting master classes with company artists, attending events in the cultural district and surrounding areas, and inviting professionals to share their knowledge on varieties of subjects concerning dance wellness. We rise to the challenge of creating a dance environment of age appropriate music, choreography, and costuming that reflects the values of ourselves and our families! We are very happy to answer any questions that you have!

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Fostering Creativity & Building Community: a dance education podcast