第二季 第一期 S2 Episode #1

Season 2 | Episode 1
17m | Jan 27, 2022

新春之际,《异乡人访谈》第二季开始播出,继续讲述海外华人的人生故事。第一个故事人物是Lily Lee Chen (陈李琬若)。

Lily Lee Chen 是美国历史上第一位华裔女市长。她是60年代的留学生,毕业后在洛杉矶政府部门做多年的社会工作,80年代曾荣任洛杉矶蒙特利公园市的市长,之后接受过多次重要的政府任命,成为美国华裔社区的知名人物。她传奇的一生中有过成功,也有过磨难,有过出人头地,也有过生离死别。从她的曲折跌宕的人生故事里,我看到的是一个非同寻常、开朗乐观、热心助人的坚强女性!

Happy New Year! Welcome to the new season of ImMigrant Podcast!

Season 2 begins with the stories of Lily Lee Chen, the first female Chinese-American mayor in US history and a founding board member of Committee of 100.

Lily is not just a witness to the Chinese-American history. She is a true pioneer. Lily's life story is not only about her political achievements, but also about tradition, women, career and family.  Most importantly, her stories are stories of love and dedication!

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