第二期 S2 Episode #2

Season 2 | Episode 2
19m | Feb 13, 2022

Lily Lee Chen (陈李琬若)是美国华裔历史上的著名人物。最感动我的是她不为人知的另一个角色:妈妈的宝贝女儿!

Lily的妈妈一辈子默默无闻,不为人知。但是在Lily的一生中,妈妈自始至终占据着至关重要的位置,是她喜乐悲伤的源泉, 是助她前行的力量。Lily的人生故事里不仅仅有个人传奇,也有每个人一生中都曾经历过的大喜大悲和因缘巧合。

Lily Lee Chen is known for her fame and success, as the mayor, the game changer and the history maker. But I will always think of her as “the most precious daughter” of her mother. 

Lily's mom is forever the force and the inspiration in her life. Her mom is the source of her joy and her sorrow, her sweetest success and her deepest regrets. Lily remembers her for the sacrifices she made for the family, the kindness she extended to everyone around her and the unbearable pain she quietly endured...

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