Rural Realities Unveiled: A Conversation with Priti David from PARI

Episode 5
48m | Nov 30, 2023

Join us for a captivating conversation on rural India with Priti David, Executive Editor of PARI. Explore the untold stories, debunked myths, and cultural richness often overlooked. From the challenges of rural-to-urban migration to preserving disappearing traditions, Priti provides unique insights. Discover the impact of PARI's initiatives and stand in solidarity with marginalized communities.

Delve into the extensive archive at where folklore comes to life, showcasing the diverse narratives of rural India. Priti directs us to thought-provoking reads like Folklore (Mosaic), and takes us on a journey through the rich content available at Kuno.

A brief yet powerful exploration of rural realities awaits. Tune in!

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