Earth Day : Carbon Footprints and Recycling

Season 1 | Episode 1
43m | Apr 22, 2021

Earth Day

What is it and how do we celebrate?

If you're wondering to yourself what is this Earth Day everyone is posting and talking about, then you're in luck! We are here to help

In this episode we will be talking about different ways you and your family and friends can celebrate earth day like planting a tree or cleaning up your neighborhood park. We'll explain what a carbon footprint is and how you can lower yours and also tell you everything you need to know about recycling.


Do your part! Sign this open letter to global leaders!

Carbon Footprints

We will also go into carbon footprints and how you can reduce the amount of carbon emission you create from your lifestyle choices.

Here is a carbon footprint calculator we talked about. This website shows you how much carbon emissions you create and what changes you can make to lower that number.

Here are some other links you can visit to learn about carbon footprints

Heres an article from Huffington Post to learn about how to reduce your carbon Footprint

Check Out these 101 companies that are committed to reducing their carbon footprints. Theres a lot of bullshit here, decide for yourselves!


Don't be ignorant and learn how to recycle, it's the least we can do!

Best Recycling Practices

Read The truth about recycling. This article tells you how everything you thought you knew about recycling is wrong.,the%20extraction%20of%20materials%20that%20can...%20More%20

Don't feel bad we don't know everything and we are still learning but thats what its all about. Never stop learning! Check out this article that explains how to recycle!,of%20recycled%20materials%20when%20you%20shop.%20More%20

Random Cool Interesting Shit

Check out this Podcast - Warm Regards, they are dedicated to spreading awareness and educating people about global warming

Read about the new green deal!

Wanna be a climate change activist? Go here!

Or here

Just think how dumb we'd look in front of our children, if twenty years from now we discover climate change was in fact not real. We'd have cleaned the ocean and the cities, preserved the rain forests and millions of species, innovated in multiple industries, made the air breathable again, created a more sustainable lifestyle for the decades to come and a better world for our children, completely for nothing. I'm pretty sure we'd all doom the fool that made us do all that. ~ unknown


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