Chapter Break: Gearing Up for Exciting New Episodes

1m | Mar 6, 2024

Hey Aspiring Author!

In this special episode, we're announcing a brief hiatus from our regular podcast schedule. But don't worry, this is just a short rest in our ongoing journey together.

Why the Pause?

We're dedicating time to work closely with our founding authors at Journey Written, helping them craft their incredible brand stories and diving deep into the behind-the-scenes of their writing process.

What Can You Expect?

When we return, get ready for an exciting lineup of guest authors who will share their personal experiences, challenges, and triumphs in writing. These stories are sure to inspire, educate, and entertain all aspiring authors out there.

Stay Connected

While we're on break, we encourage you to stay engaged with us! Follow us on social media and revisit past episodes for nuggets of wisdom.

A Big Thank You

Your support means the world to us. We can't wait to come back with fresh content that fuels your passion to write and publish your story. Until then, if you would like to work with us, please visit to learn more about our services and company.

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Hey Aspiring Author! Podcast