A Shadow Awakens: Chapter 1: Love is in the air..

Season 1 | Episode 8
3h 14m | Aug 4, 2020

Whilst Mortem shops around for gifts to try and win the heart of Patrica the barmaid at the Happy Ford. Thavar strikes up a relationship with Renford's blacksmith Mathew Ivorsson.

Meanwhile a new acquaintance Annie Valavar is encountered at the Happy Ford and the party encounter a group of real life adventurers in the Scarlet Sirens.

As the party get to know the Siren's Mortem finds himself in a sticky situation when Lydia Nilsdatter a woman of the north takes a liking to him much to Patrica's dislike. And Kada strikes gold with the raven haired Jasmine Braithewaite the Siren's alluring and enigmatic Spellblade.

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Fires of Athelen - A Shadow Awakens