Financial Crime Weekly Episode 111

22m | Jun 9, 2024

Hello, and welcome to episode 111 of the Financial Crime Weekly Podcast, I’m Chris Kirkbride. This week has been, relative to the last few weeks, a quiet week for financial crime news. That is always welcome for a host of reasons. The sanctions news has the usual updates on further action against Russia from the EU and US, but new of an update in relation to sanctions against the International Criminal Court by the US House of Representatives. On bribery news, a former US Admiral has been charged with bribery, as well as some indications from research in the UK suggesting that business may be lost if a bribe is not paid. The money laundering news brings more from Turkey on its moves to come off the FATF’s ‘Grey List’, and a story from the UK about an end to the criminal investigation into Monzo Bank. There is also some market abuse news from the US, and the usual round-up of cyber-attack news.


As usual, I have linked the main stories flagged in the podcast in the description. These are:


Association of Chartered Accountants, Bribery and corruption – The hidden social evil on your doorstep.

Council of the European Union, DPRK: EU sanctions nine additional individuals and entities involved in the country’s activities related to illegal weapons programmes and supporting Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation, Sanctions: Joint Statement on DPRK-Russia.

Interpol, INTERPOL action leads to anti-corruption operation in Moldova.

Monzo Bank, Annual Report 2024.

National Crime Agency, NCA uncovers corrupt officials who helped wanted criminals to circumvent international Red Notice system.

Office of Foreign Assets Control, Iran-related Designations; Non-Proliferation Designations.

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Kosovo’s judiciary to treat organized crime and corruption cases more vigorously, OSCE Mission report says.

Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC Obtains Final Judgment Against Former Arista Networks Chairman Andy Bechtolsheim for Insider Trading.

Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC Charges Former Lumentum Executive with Insider Trading.

Spotlight on Corruption, Letter from the National Crime Agency highlights problems with the UK’s political finance enforcement regime.

Spotlight on Corruption, National Crime Agency Letter to Spotlight on Corruption.

US Department of Justice, Retired Navy Admiral and Business Executives Arrested for Bribery Scheme.

US Department of Justice, Pharmacy Owner Sentenced for Paying Illegal Kickbacks and Engaging in a Money Laundering Conspiracy.

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Financial Crime Weekly Podcast