The Core: A Study of Our Beliefs, pt. 8 - The Church

31m | Feb 25, 2024

The Church is the human representation of the Kingdom of God. The Church is a vital piece of any believer’s walk. This week we look at what the Church should be.

  • The Church is the human representation of the kingdom of God. We talk about two different “churches” in Christianity, the global Church and the local church. The global Church is the body of Christ and encompassing all believers around the world. Together, we do the work of God’s Kingdom. The local church exists to provide a family of believers with fellowship, encouragement, accountability, strength, teaching for biblical instruction, and corporate worship. The local church is also called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in its local community, fulfilling the Great Commission. At CrossPoint, we seek to be a family that loves each other as Jesus loves us, living our lives as brothers and sisters, building each other up at every opportunity and growing in our relationship with God. Together we strive to serve our local community, both by supporting our mission partners and directly helping where we can.
  • Church isn't a place, it's a people.
  • Church is better when you are here.
  • God has put the body together.
  • Church is where the "one anothers" take place.
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