• Let's Talk: Tiktok Boy Moms, Enmeshment, and Emotional Incest

    "In this episode, we delve into TikTok's 'boy mom' culture, exploring its implications of enmeshment and emotional incest. We discuss how the trend on TikTok often glorifies overly close relationships between mothers and their sons, blurring boundaries and potentially hindering healthy emotional development. Join us as we analyze the cultural phenomenon, its impact on family dynamics, and the broader societal implications."

    This summary aims to provide a brief overview of the topics covered in your video, touching on the themes of boy mom culture, enmeshment, and emotional incest as seen on TikTok.

    7m - Jun 21, 2024
  • Why Women Should Never Let A Man Move In

    Tonight, we're discussing the most sound piece of advice my mother gave me: Never Let A Man Move In.

    6m - Jun 19, 2024
  • The Shadowy Window: A History of American and European Asylums

    Tonight, we're taking a different direction. We will dive into the history of American and European asylums, tackle the inhumane treatment suffered by patients, and learn what horrific practices took place in these institutions.

    8m - Jun 17, 2024
  • The Bible Belt Killer: Horrific Crimes of the Red Head Murderer

    America in the 1980s was gripped by a cycle of horrific of serial killings. While you're familiar with names such as Richard Ramirez, you've probably never heard of the "Bible Belt Killer."

    6m - Jun 14, 2024
  • Dad By Default Laws: What American Men Need To Know

    Tonight I dive into "Dad By Default" Laws and the negative consequences suffered by American men when forced to care for children not biologically theirs.

    8m - Jun 12, 2024
  • Let's Talk: Dealing With Narcissists

    Tonight, I'll tackle a subject on everyone's mind: dealing with narcissists. I also give five tips on how to cope. Stay tuned.

    10m - Jun 11, 2024
  • Let's Talk Catholicism

    Tonight, I discuss Catholicism and my current Christian conundrum.

    7m - Apr 30, 2024
  • The Failure of Modern Protestantism & My Consideration

    Welcome to “Let’s Talk,” a podcast about everything. Tonight, we will discuss the current state of the protestant church, and why I am considering Orthodoxy.

    8m - Apr 26, 2024
  • Five Signs Of A Toxic Friend

    Tonight, I test your knowledge on toxic friends.

    7m - Apr 24, 2024
  • Hard Conversations With Kids

    Tonight, we will discuss the necessity of having difficult conversations with your teens. Welcome to “Let’s Talk,” a podcast about everything. 

    12m - Apr 22, 2024
  • Let's Talk: Mari Emmanuel Attacked

    Sunday, April 14, 2024, beloved Bishop Mari Emmanuel was attacked before his congregation. Tonight we discuss the attack, what motivated it, and the response to Mari's assault. I will also discuss the internet threats made against Bishop Mari and his condition after the stabbing.

    8m - Apr 19, 2024
  • Hollywood Is No Place For Children

    In tonight's episode of "Let's Talk" I discuss the recent HBO documentary "Quiet On The Set" as well as the slaughter machine called, Hollywood. I go on to disclose why I feel children do not belong in entertainment

    13m - Apr 17, 2024
  • The Dangers of Social Media

    I'm kicking off season 2 with a discussion on the dangers of social media.

    36m - Sep 19, 2022
  • Family Fridays: America's Children Are Broken

    Tonight, I tackle the murder of James Lambert on Pennsylvania streets by children, public school's obsession with drugging children, and tye it all together to warn that, though children are the future, ours doesn't look so bright.

    music by Musicon


    source. "Poor Diet and Household Chaos May Impare Young Children's Cognitive Skills" University of Illinois 12 07, 2022 www.neuroscience.com

    41m - Jul 23, 2022
  • Marriage & Modern Society: Women & Anti Marriageism

    Tonight, I get tough about where society has taken us in terms of so-called "progressives." Listen as I tackle what social movements have made of modern women, and why the prospects of lasting marriage are declining.

    34m - Jul 21, 2022
  • Soulful Sundays: The Need For A Strong Church

    Tonight, I am discussing recent events in Pennsylvania, and how the black community is suffering due to a lack of morals, ethics, and discipline. I also discuss why I believe the black church has failed to uphold a community standard of Godliness in the black community

    music "That's That" by Musicon

    33m - Jul 18, 2022
  • Love Requires Action

    A follow-up discussion on the necessity of love in the form of discipline when rearing children. However, this discussion emphasizes discipline in more ways than just through correction.

    22m - Jul 9, 2022
  • Love Is A Verb:It Requires Action

    What is love? Lady T has the answer.

    18m - Jul 6, 2022
  • The Necessity of Personal Responsibility

    Tonight, I discuss the dire need for accountability and share my own story of taking charge to be responsible for myself.

    21m - Jul 6, 2022
  • A Case For Monogamy: Restoring Respectability

    An episode dedicated to education on why polygamy is wrong.

    41m - Jun 30, 2022
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