Femme Fatale: Golden Age Dames

Season 2 | Episode 4
1h 7m | Nov 22, 2023

July 1944. Los Angeles. Enter Barbara Stanwyck as Phyllis Dietrichson, high atop a looming stairwell, clad only in a towel. Enter the femme fatale, as we know her, into classic Hollywood. Counter-balancing the icy-cold Phyllis Dietrichson is a no-less chilly, but far more sympathetic waitress named Stella, drawn from a comparatively minor Otto Preminger film. Both women slot neatly into the developing vision of women who pull over-eager protagonists into their wake, but their stories unfold in starkly different fashions. Join us as we look at Double Indemnity and Fallen Angel.


Tristan - Thief & The Last of the Mohicans

Fred - Electra, My Love & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

Written & Produced by Tristan Johnson & Fred Pelzer

A Strange Phantom Production

Music by Kevin MacLeod.

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