• EP 4 | Ride The Wave

    As we travel along our journeys,  there may come a time when we find ourselves in a similar place but because we've experienced growth, our obstacle becomes easier to overcome. But what happens when we’re approached by a level of fear that is waiting for us to unlock? Do we turn around and avoid it or do we finally trust that God will be there to lead us through what we may want to run away from? 

    Join me as we discuss how navigating through fear ends up as an act of Trusting in God. 


    S3E4 - 15m - Sep 20, 2023
  • EP 3 | Truth Revealed

    If we take a close look at our location, we would notice how it may have been tainted with weeds. Those weeds may be tempting to pull out; however, every professional gardener would agree that we must leave them until it’s time to harvest the roots intentionally planted. 

    Join me as we discuss what to do when your life has been tainted by weeds. 


    S3E3 - 13m - Sep 12, 2023
  • EP 2 | Are You In Position?

    Are you ready for what God has waiting for you to claim, or do you still need time to prepare? Join me as we discuss why God wants us to be in position for the promises He has coming our way. 

    ✨ Golden 

    S3E2 - 13m - Sep 5, 2023
  • SEASON 3 ~ EP 1 | Your Pride Is Blocking Your Blessing

    Season 3 ~ Episode 1: “Your Pride Is Blocking Your Blessing”

    It’s the return of Golden’s Voice and I’m clearly getting right into business. Tune in as I discuss how our slightest prideful habits can get in the way of our awaited Blessings. 

    Once Again Thank You for joining me on this Golden Journey.

    With Love,


    S3E1 - 19m - Aug 29, 2023
  • Season 3 Trailer

    Welcome to Goldens Voice The Podcast - Season 3 ✨ 

    She’s Backkkkk!! 

    It’s been a minute; however, this pause was well needed. Season 3 is going to be different yet — in a good way. Therefore, my prayer is for you to receive what you need through my Voice, knowing that you’re in a place “Where Opened Voices Leave Fulfilled.” 

    I’m your Host Golden Marie

    And This Is My Voice. ✨

    S3 - 1m - Aug 29, 2023
  • Giving Is A Gift

    In this episode Golden discusses what it means to give, but not of a necessity. Golden discusses what it mean to be a giver of God, and why it’s necessary to acknowledging the true reason of giving along your journey...

    S2E3 - 6m - Mar 16, 2021
  • Be Patient My Love

    Golden discusses the importance of Patience and shares how to apply Patience to your life as you go after your desires along your Golden Journey... Listen In

    S2E2 - 7m - Jan 26, 2021
  • We’re Back!!! | Establishing Your Why

    Welcome Back to Season 2 of Golden’s Voice!!!!

    In this episode Golden discusses the importance of Establishing Your Why. Why was Golden’s Voice created? Why are we staying motivated to keep going? Why are we refusing to settle for less? Why are we striving to only achieve Greatness? Join us along our journey as we answer these questions and make our Visions Known.

    S2E1 - 10m - Jan 12, 2021
  • 15| Update Yourself Shamelessly

    Golden discusses how life has been for her over the past few weeks, & how God is helping her establish how to use her gifts the way in which He designed. She also shares how she is Shamelessly walking in her Destiny and how you can to. Listen in, this is a good one...

    S1E15 - 16m - Sep 17, 2020
  • 14| Trust the Process

    In this episode Golden shares how she had to quickly overcome her moment of feeling uninspired, & really understanding how she must Trust the Process of her reality. She also lets you in on what she has been working on, & what’s been keeping her attention...

    S1E14 - 15m - Aug 25, 2020
  • 13| Sis, Don’t Give Up!

    Golden discusses the difference between bad failures and good failures. She goes further into her life sharing what she had been working hard to win at. Overall, she mentions the very thing you can use on your journey if you’ve gotten to the point of throwing in your towel and giving up... This part of her journey might be the light you’ve been looking for to help guide you through your own.

    S1E13 - 15m - Aug 4, 2020
  • 12| Don’t Worry About A Thang

    Golden takes a moment to share with you some turbulence she has experienced along her journey. She is also discussing how worrying less avoids stress... So join her as she takes another step into this thing called life.

    S1E12 - 14m - Jul 21, 2020
  • 11| Entanglement? Let’s Talk...

    Golden discusses the new word of the month that we have all been intrigued by; entanglement. If you know what she’s referring to, then you know she’s about to say something that might have you on your toes. Just know, Jada and Will Smith’s entanglement isn’t the only entanglement she’s referring to. Listen in...

    S1E11 - 10m - Jul 14, 2020
  • 10 | Purpose? What is that?

    Golden takes a quick pause on her journey to discuss something that most people are struggling to understand; that is purpose. What is my purpose? How can I find it? Join Golden as she shares her experience discovering her purpose and what it really is.

    S1E10 - 20m - Jul 9, 2020
  • 9| What is A Gift? What is Your Gift?
    Golden has been back & forth with understanding why God has given her a gift that she excels in, however, is telling her not to use it. Tune in to find out what God has revealed to Golden, & how she’s continuing to walk in faith along her journey...
    S1E9 - 22m - Jun 23, 2020
  • 8| Addressing Today’s Reality
    Golden discusses the unfortunate reality of Black people not only in America but also in Bermuda... Please, join in on this conversation. #BlackLivesMatter
    S1E8 - 18m - Jun 10, 2020
  • 7| Did You Rip Your List?
    Golden dives deeper into her life by discussing how Pastor Michael Todd, of Transformation Church, sermon titled “Rip Your List” affected her. This sermon gave her an unexpected confirmation from God. Tune in & find out what is shockingly no longer apart of her season during this journey...
    S1E7 - 15m - May 12, 2020
  • 6| Let’s Be Real
    In this episode Golden is simply keeping it real. She’s diving into what’s really been bothering her. Listen in as she shares this sensitive part of her journey...
    S1E6 - 14m - Apr 28, 2020
  • 5| STOP Obsessing over the HOW
    Are you one of those people that have Dreams you desire to accomplish, yet you focus too much on the “How”? Well this episode is for you. Listen in on how Golden gets through this part of her journey...
    S1E5 - 19m - Apr 14, 2020
  • 4| Apply PRESSURE
    In this episode Golden talks about the importance of knowing when to Apply Pressure during the hardest point of your journey....
    S1E4 - 15m - Mar 25, 2020
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